Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not Feeling It: Doesn't Matter

Before we get to today, I have to show you a wee moment of last night. You know those Hungry Girl Exploding Chicken Taquitos I love to make? Yeah, they exploded all right!
Umm ... not quite sure what happened there ...
... but, they were still mega tasty!
Oh well. They were still mighty delicious, and, if you have the tofu dip already made (if that's what you use for its sauce), they are wicked fast to throw together and make! I like wicked fast dinner!

Speaking of wicked fast, let's talk about the morning, shall we? (HA!) This morning actually had nothing to do with being wicked fast aside from just how speedily I wanted to get back into bed once I got up! I tell you, this morning, I just wasn't feeling it. At all. In fact, I think I'd been out of bed for about two minutes when I caught the back of my head speaking to me. It was saying, "I am so not into this right now." Of course, "this" meant running this morning. I haven't had that sentiment in quite some time. It's not really the way I want to start the day, so I immediately went into my brain bank and withdrew the knowledge that I have felt this way before countless runs, and I've never been sorry once I'm out there.

So, take that, morning voice!!

Before leaving the house, I did check my email and had received a message from my friend who is training for her first Half. Her message came to me at 4:57 a.m. A.M.!!! Four. Fifty. Seven.A.M.!! That, my friends, is dedication!!! WAY TO GO OUT THERE!!!!

Anyway, her message included sharing the sentiment I was having about just not feeling it today. Believe it or not, that kind of helped! I'm not a fan of "misery loves company," but I am a fan of knowing it's possible to push through the negative for a bigger payoff. And, seeing or knowing someone else is tapping into their perseverance stores helps!! So, this message was well timed for me, and it was nice to know we were out there together in spirit!

That was a great way to start my run because not only was I not really feeling it today, but a whole mess of little, annoying things happened all at once this morning before I headed out the door. Each of those things were just random, stupid, everyday life things that probably wouldn't have bothered me had I gotten up in a good mood. You know how that goes. But, I didn't, so they bugged me. See?
That's me bugged. And not really wanting
to run. But, I'm already out there.
FINE I'll GO. (Dr. Phil would tell me
"You don't have to like it, you just have
to do it." While correct, given my mood
this morning, I might have told him to
I started my run with the very mood I used to give in to years ago. You know the one. It's that mood where you can so easily justify skipping a workout that you don't even feel bad about it. I'm happy to say I've trained myself to not allow justification to sabotage what I do. It took time, and it took a lot ... a lot ... of work to kick justifcation to the curb. But, that work, too, paid off.

(Or, did it, because I found myself running instead of crawling back into bed. HA!)

Of course it pays to go out there even in a crabby mood! And, gosh, if I thought I was having a grumpy morning, this tree was having a supremely bad day:
Um, just yesterday, this sidewalk was clear ...
Elly, who seemed to wake up in a very peppy mood, took advantage of the pause and scoped out a whole new place to sniff:
"Tree down means more new odors! Keep your pennies,
mommy, I am super-scoring my own way!"

Once around the tree, I used my running time to have my morning chat-'em-up with God and to also work on my attitude so as not to let my stupid little morning things ruin my whole day. In other words, I used my time to put it all in perspective so I wouldn't snarl as passers by and so my family would be happy to see me later in the day.

I am happy to report that time was well spent. By half way through the run, the morning issues had faded, and the only immediate problem I had was having a song I can't stand stuck in my head. It's one that PC#3 also hates, so he sometimes (this morning, for instance) sings it in a super-annoying way to mock it. So, I didn't just have the song I can't stand stuck in my head, I had his version of it in there!! That is no good. I finally thwarted it from my brain by revisiting yesterday's I-don't-even-know-all-of-the-words "Can't Touch This" experience. You do what you gotta do ...

Somewhere along the way, all tunes faded from my head. That was fabulous. Also fabulous was ...
Do you see it? I did, and I have to admit that I'm not even
sure how on this one.
Hard time seeing? Check. It. Out.
Sweet!! Hey, where's Elly going?
That happened right before Mile 2, and it was awesome because I'd crossed the street where I don't normally cross. I was rewarded for my adventure. Da-na-na-na ... Can't-beat-that. Da-na-na-na ... Can't-beat-that. (Is everyone now very clear about what part of "Can't Touch This" was stuck stuck stuck in my head?!)

We cruised the last mile where I still scoped for money. I realize it's hard to beat finding a dime, unless you find a quarter, and I'd feel greedy about it if I weren't giving it away. (I feel just fine about the quarter I found yesterday when I went to buy my new shorty pants, by the way.) It was a lovely, uneventful mile where Elly, of course, celebrated her finish with some lovin':
"We did it, mommy! Now, let's give these ears a'scratchin'!"
She didn't get away without a good squeeze, too.
Okay, and if the run hadn't refreshed my mood, this very favorite scene of mine certainly would have. Get ready for the fabulous flying ears!
There they go!
A little wonky, but still flappin'!
It's a two-day rest on the calendar before Sunday's 10-miler! (Seriously, these miles are coming up fast!!) I'm going to enjoy the down time starting with watching last night's episode of Survivor tonight ... we chose to be responsible (which is sometimes so boring and certainly didn't get me any Survivor watching) and not stay up way-too-late watching it last night. So, tonight's the night! (Hence, Elly's wardrobe ...) So, enjoy your evening, too, and I'll see you on the first of two Rest Days tomorrow!

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