Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Two-Snoozer Turned Victorious

This was a 2-snooze morning. I totally planned on just using one snooze. Then, two just had to happen. The windows were open, the air was cool, and the bed was comfyyyyyy ... I had very little incentive to get up!

When I finally pried myself upright, I looked at Aaron and said, "I have a great idea!" That usually means I want him to come with me, and this being a 9-mile morning, we both knew that wasn't in the cards. Besides, I already asked him if he would last night -- even on his bike -- and he politely declined. So, we'd already been through all of that. This morning, I said to him, "What if I just say I went, and I go back to bed instead?" The man of few words simply said something to the effect of, "I don't think it works that way."

It was a lovely thought at the time. But, we all know skipping a run isn't going to produce the results we're after. So, I got up and headed out a good 20 minutes later than I intended.

Had I been out 20 minutes earlier, though, I have to wonder if this little guy would have been around to greet -- I mean grimmace -- at me?!
Doesn't he have the best morning face?
Want to see something that makes me giggle almost every time I see it?
This area is around a mailbox and usually covered with flowers.
This summer's terrible heat and no rain took care of that effort.
But, these little guys just recently popped up. Aaron recently
saw them and proclaimed on their behalf: "I am flower garden."
This morning's run was, indeed, a really good one. The perfect weather conditions helped considerably, and I couldn't help but think back to just a few weeks ago when many of the stretches I ran today made me huff, puff and even do some walking. It always comes back if you can push through the hardest stuff.

I was feeling great, and I was thoroughly enjoying my pace. In fact, I was enjoying it to the point that somewhere around Mile 4, I thought to myself, "I'm not so sure I'm trying very hard." Then, I blew my own thoughts off because I really was having a good time. Why wreck a good thing with unnecessary pressure?

Here was my favorite part of the run: There I was going down a hill that I've complained about before (not the going down part; the going up part). There was a man, I'm guessing he was in his late 50s, who was coming up that hill. And, he sounded like I usually do with the ol' huff-n-puff going on. I totally got it, and my turn was coming on this out-and-back route. Anyway, we cordially waved and went about our own business.

Well, guess what! When I was coming back up that hill (which is in my 7th mile), there he was coming down! How on earth did that happen?! We looked at each other with that surprised but pleasant recognition, and we eagerly waved at each other this time. No more polite waves, we were now bonded in pain ... or something! He smiled this time -- probably because he was going down the hill this time, but I'd like to think it's because we shared a moment of understanding. Clearly, we'd both been out for the same amount of time doing the same thing. We most definitely got each other in that exact moment! It was really pretty to cool to me!

Also cool was getting home to find out that I actually had been trying pretty hard because I blew away my time intention. (Yes, intention ... while I'm not wrapped up in a personal best time ever, I do need to know how long it takes. That way, I know how to plan things like getting up (or how many snoozes I can pull off) and getting it done so as to do something else with my day other than run. So, I block out a period of time and shoot to be within that window so I know how to plan for future runs.) I was pleased with the outcome because it also gives me an idea that all things mind and body are clicking and working well together and because it gave me some extra time to piddle around. All of those are good things!

Also good! I went home and immediately asked Aaron to join me in a walk to keep my legs going and not tighten up. Without pause, he accepted the invite! Hooray for me!
I love walking and talking with my man!!
On our walk, I showed him my treasures:
Yup, all of those today! That's a fun little batch of goodies!
And, by giving them to Aaron, what a great excuse to grab
his hand! (Ha! Like I need one!)
And, then, I got home, went to the fridge for another water when I saw what was waiting for me:
He'd gotten himself a fountain Diet Coke,
which are the best, and saved half just for
me. Seriously fabulous!!
Tomorrow would normally be a Rest Day, but not this time!! It's time for the Komen Run! They put on such a great event, so I'm very much looking forward to sharing this with my girl!!! I'll see you after we cross the finish!

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