Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I started my Rest Day by doing laundry. Do you know what this is?
That's the pile of towels and suits from the pool. The pool that closed yesterday. Booooooo!! There are a few days a year that really hit me where it hurts, and pool closing day is absolutely one at the top of my list!! We spent a number of hours there yesterday playing the games we played so many times this summer, and we left with only 15 minutes remaining of the summer hours. *SIGH* Yet again, it was a great summer. Yeah, yeah, the exercise is great, but the pool is all about family play time for me, and I'm so thankful for a family that loves to play together in every combination!!

For the last three summers, the closing of the pool has coincided with the time at which my Half Marathon training transitions into the more serious stuff, if you will. The mileage is higher (which is cool because it knocks them off of the countdown in a very satisfying manner!), the runs are longer, and the event itself starts to feel very real. It's a big mental transition to make, and it's a very cool thing to look forward to.

On a house keeping note, I finally remembered to get more chia seeds for my oatmeal as I've been out for about two weeks. It's funny how much I missed those little boogers!! And, now that berry season is basically over (boo!! again!), I couldn't start the morning with oatmeal minus berries and seeds! That's getting oatmeal a little too naked for me! Besides, given their nutritional boost with their omega-3s, fiber, protein and antioxidants, I missed them as much mentally as in my mouth!
Welcome back, teeny-tiny friends!
Remembering to pick those up was a good thing on this rainy morning. Not a good thing was seeing someone out running while it was thundering and lightening. I see this woman run everywhere all. the. time. Seriously, she's at it for hours. It's pretty amazing. But, I won't pretend I wasn't concerned about her dodging the lightening. Being out in lightening scares me. I think it should. You will never hear me recommend taking the chance to run in lightening. Just sayin'.

Anyway, with piles of work staring at me, I'm off to do it. In the meantime, Daphne wanted to get in on the picture game, so she showed off some of her favorite stretching moves. She's either showing off for the camera, or I'm getting one of those understand-the-message vibes that I need to start stretching more and better before running! It's true, I really do. Either way, check her out ...
"Ahh ... feels so good."
Cats are awesome.
... and, I'll see you after the morning run!

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