Monday, September 10, 2012

Ohh ... That's Why!

Does Elly look like it's Monday or what?!
When I went to get her out of the car, it was almost like she was trying to make herself small and unnoticeable. Like I wasn't going to eventually find her in the back of the car?! Silly girl. Besides, it's a Monday following a long run, so having her with me was a great motivator to get back out there!

Ever since I adopted the Half Marathon training schedule that I use, I've always been curious about why so many long runs are scheduled for Sundays only to be followed with another run on Monday. In the beginning, that just seemed mean. But, I totally complied with the system, and it certainly worked, so, I realized it was better to follow directions than whine and change them up. Especially when I know very little about how the body responds deep down to what we put it through.

Then, this weekend, I pulled out an old issue of Runner's World (September 2011 ... oh yeah ... I'm on it!) and read the greatest article. It's called "Easy Does It" (Meghan G. Loftus ... you can also find it here,7120,s6-238-267--14041-0,00.html ) and outlines the many benefits to slowing it down for the purpose of getting stronger (my goal) and, for those who strive for speed, faster!

Reasons and benefits for using a slower pace?! This I had to read!

The article was great and is one I would have embraced, read and reread when I was first starting out for sure! It was nice to read something supporting a non-race-winning pace! Presently, what I really liked was the reason for the short run following a long run. I mean, it's one thing to accept having to follow such a schedule on blind faith; it's entirely another for me to really understand why. And, haven't I been wondering this for three years? I think I have, and now I know. Loftus writes:

"Running super slow and relaxed for one to three days after tough workouts gets blood flowing to muscles, which flushes away broken-down proteins, delivers new proteins to rebuild damaged tissue, and carries carbohydrates to replenish depleted stores in muscle cells."

So, out with the bad, in with the good ... now we're talking good reasoning!!

I thought about the process my muscles were going through while I was out there today. It kind of made every little muscle tug and twinge (yesterday was a long one, after all!) take on new meaning. And, for me, knowing not only what should be done by also why is motivating.

Check out the rest of her article so you, too, can embrace your pace no matter what it is! Fast, slow, who cares?! As long as it's fun and meeting your own goals, it's a good one!!

In the meantime, it's time to celebrate today's super score!!!
It was in bike lane but spied from the sidewalk. Ohhh yeahhh ...
Elly was so excited she started just wandering off. Where does
she think she's going?
Hooray for crossing the $6 mark!!! At the beginning of the year, I guessed I'd find an average of 50 cents a month. I really had little on which to base that, I just took a shot. Well, now it seems I'm going to blow that way, and that's awesome!

Have a great start to your week! We rest tomorrow, so I'll see you then!

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