Thursday, September 13, 2012

So Cool

Okay, a really cool thing happened this morning. You see, there's this woman in our community who runs. She runs and she runs and she runs. If you have any observational skills whatsoever -- even just passive ones -- you've seen her running. She's everywhere. It's really quite something, and I've always wanted to talk to her.

This morning, I did!

Elly and I happened to wind up behind her on part of our route. Hers is a very slow-and-steady pace, so we caught up with her even though I was trying to keep distance. I used to watch her when I first started running. Seriously, I'd be driving along and darn-near rubber neck to see what she was doing because I realized that while I saw her everywhere, she wasn't really going very fast. But, she kept going. And, going. And, going! I totally admired that, and, because of her, I realized it was okay to not do this thing at break-neck speed.

Anyway, when we were right beside her, we both said hello, and I let her know that I see her "everywhere"! She laughed. She knows it's true. Then, I just had to ask how far she goes (because, seriously, it seems like miles and miles ... as in double digit miles All. The. Time.). She reported often running 8 miles, but most often, she runs 5-6 miles 5 to 6 days a week. I told her she was impressive (and I meant it) and carried on my way.

In addition to my genuine admiration of her persistence (have I mentioned I see her All. The. Time?), I had a very unexpected accompanying feeling: What she does is totally doable.

What?! That is a thought I would have never in a million-billion years thought I would attach to what she does. Never. As it turns out, she and I are a lot more alike than I ever would have imagined.

It's amazing what we assume about ourselves when we compare ourselves to someone else. And, how silly to compare ourselves with someone else in the first place, but it's even worse when we don't even have the right information to use for comparison.

I still want to know more of her story. I want to know why she started running. I want to know why she locked on to the pace she has. I want to know why she chose the distances she goes. I want to know what drives her. And, as nice as she always -- always -- seems, I may someday get my chance.

Today I chose to make it short and sweet and not bombard her with my questions. I've had these questions for quite some time, so I didn't want to pounce just because we happened to run into each other. I'd hate for her to change her route to avoid me in the future. Nope, I'll be patient. And, even if I never get the chance to talk to her again, that encounter was cool.

Not cool is the quarter fake-out:
I KNOW! TOTALLY looks like a quarter! But, it's not ...
... nor the penny fake-out:
Don't judge me ... it's amazing what looks like a penny from a
distance ... with sweat in your eyes ...
But, finding this was cool:
Double cool that it compliments my nail polish.
And, having a puppy next to me all pooped out from our run is cool:
"Oh, mommy, that run was exhilerating. Now, shhhh ..."
And, coolest of all, here I am with PC#2 after picking up our race packets for Sunday's Komen Run!
So looking forward to the run with my girl!!
We're heading in to a Rest Day tomorrow! I'll see you then from Rest Day Central!

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