Wednesday, September 5, 2012


After a summer of incremental promises for rain and never getting any even if the skies looked like they were about to open up, it was a tough call knowing what to do with this morning's really overcast skies and a maybe-maybe not forecast. I chose to roll the dice and go out for my run. Given my love for the treadmill, this should not be surprising.

But, Elly and I weren't 100 yards away from our start before I felt my first drop of rain. I just didn't care, and we kept going. Everything seemed like it would be tame enough, and a little rain never hurt anyone -- not even diva dog Elly although her distaste for getting wet would tell you otherwise.


A mile into it, I got two surprises. You seem them both here:
Hooray for the penny! I was beginning to doubt the possibilities
on this new route. But, right next to the penny, I spy with my
little eye a drop of rain ...
Ruh-ro ...
See how few drops there are out there? And, see how Elly's ear
is flopped backward? Yeah, that's because she felt a few drops
and violently shook her head to expunge herself of the vile wet.
I told you: Diva. Diva's in for a surprise, though, because we have
no choice but to keep going! (Hahahahaha!)
Just after taking this picture, the rain really started coming down. And -- big bummer! -- the thunder started! Now, you know I'm not one to go out in thunder and lightening, but being three-quarters of a mile from the car, there wasn't much the pooch and I could do. If it had been thunder of the booming variety, I would have ducked in to one of the many bus stops along the route. Fortunately, it was rolling in the distance, and it seemed okay enough to pick up the pace, cut the run by a mile (which hurt because I'd have to make it up on the treadmill) and get to the car.

If you want to see something pretty funny, watch Elly when she's caught in the rain. It was barely coming down when she kicked herself into 4-wheel drive and was on a serious mission to escape the wet that suddenly plagued her!

If you want to see something else funny, check her out getting dried off:

Goofy pooch.
Unfortunately, that towel of hers has been
in the back of the car since the last time I
had to dry her off from getting caught in the
rain. By my estimation, that was four
months ago. Pop Quiz: Which smells worse
... me after a run or Elly's stashed towel?!
It's a toss up. Both answers win.
By the time we'd gotten to the car, it was really coming down. So, instead of being cranky about having to cut an outside mile, I was happy that it was only a mile and that I had good stuff on the dvr to help pass the time!

Before heading home, I did stop for a Diet Coke to put in the fridge for after I finished. It was so nasty-humid out there, and that makes me crave the Diet Coke wave!! Elly, of course, co-piloted the ride:
Doesn't she have that stunned, what-have-I-just-been-through look on her face?
So, we got home, and Elly camped out somewhere while I finished the run. I thought it would be pretty unremarkable seeing as it was only a mile, but have I mentioned I hate the treadmill? *sigh*

There's no rain in tomorrow's forecast, so it should be a regular sort of day! It's the last of my very short weekday runs, which also means that some of them get longer during the week next week ... *gulp!* I honestly didn't realize the weekdays were bumping up next week! That Half is going to be here before I know it! Crazy how it can sneak up ... thank goodness for the plan on the calendar, or I would be hosed entirely! Seriously, that written plan is a big key to success of this adventure!! 'See you after I follow another piece of the plan!

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