Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Day, New Pants

Oh my gosh, these 40ish degree mornings are happily rocking my world!! I love them!! There's not much better running weather if you ask me, so this last week has been wonderful! Today's mid-40s allowed me to test out my new pair of shorty pants (otherwise known as capris by most people, but "shorty pants" is way more fun to say). The ones I had last year finally completely fell apart, so it was to the store last week to get a pair before I needed them.

My only complaint is similar to the one I had with the last pair ... no good pocket! My last pair had a teeny-weenie, good-for-nothing pocket. This pair doesn't even pretend; it has nothin'. That made it difficult to figure out where to keep a camera, so on today's run, I simply blew off taking it. Shorty pants weather is, by far, the shortest stint of wondering what to wear, so I saw no need to be annoyed by the lack of pocket, and I moved on with my morning (which later included getting another pair of the same shorty pants, so I guess I wasn't that annoyed.).

Of course, before leaving for the run, I caught Elly's brand of begging (or, as she would probably call it, "making sure I see her") to come with me:
Looks a wee bit delirious with hope,
doesn't she? She's holding back from
jumping on me to be seen. Wise doggie ...
It was good to have her with me this morning because I could hear her toenails louder than usual. That's no good! The longer runs on the weekends are cutting in to her nail-filing time, so we're going to have to take her out for some extra walks between now and the Half. That'll suit her just fine; she was soooooo happy to be out there! I think the crispy air weather energizes her the same way it affects me! The girl had a spring in her steps and a wag in her tail, so we blazed a good trail today!

With nothing really going on during the run today (except for the fact that I couldn't get "Can't Touch This" out of my head ... which totally blew because I don't even know the words ...), it was nice to just run with my pooch, knock out the miles, and go on with the day. All that needed to happen was to go out there and do it. And, so I did.

Sorry ... we did ...
"That's right, mommy, we did because
we are a great team! Hey, thanks for
carrying my poo, by the way."
You might notice Elly has a new piece of wardrobe on today because it's a big day:
Survivor premiers tonight!! SO excited!
I found this bandana at a garage sale years
ago, and it was the first one Elly ever wore.
She wears it every Survivor day that I
remember to put it on her.
After the pics, it was into the car. I love when we face the sun because her eyes look so cool:
She's so pretty!
When we got home, it was time for Elly to slurp up half her bowl of water (while I hoped like heck that would settle in her tummy, not upset it ...), and I made my breakfast. Check out my egg white love:
How cool is that?! It loves me.
I hope you have a good surprise in store for you today no matter how small, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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