Thursday, August 9, 2012

You Know What They Say About Assuming

I was pretty ready to get up and go on this morning's run. I can't say the same for my running partner:
Nothing inspired this hound to get up! Not showing her the leash, not retrieving poo bags, nothing! Standing next to me, Aaron called her over so I could put her leash on; she was all kinds of happy to go to him (not only because she loves him but also because knew he wasn't going to make her exert herself!). She ignored me completely. What did I ever do to her? Well, part of it being a dog's life is that she doesn't always get to choose what to do, so I made her come with me! (That might just answer what I ever did to her ...)

Once we were outside, she was fine. It was clear she would have chosen to just take a nap, but I would have chosen to still be in bed had it not been a running day. Come on, Elly, commit! Or, just come with me when I tell you to ...

It was in the upper 60s on the way out the door, and while cool, the air was pretty wet. I was good and slimey pretty quickly. I chose a route today that tends to have some cash on it, and I wasn't disappointed:
That penny has a story or two to tell, doesn't it?
This wasn't the greatest run of my life by the way. I mean, the temperature was okay, the run wasn't long and there was really nothing in my way of making it a great run. Except, clearly, I just wasn't really feeling it this morning. I did fine, but it was far from being very good.

This is the kind of run that used to make me question my ability to continue on with this activity because I used to make the assumption that every run should be at least as good as the one before if not a little better. That's a really bad assumption. All kinds of factors come into play to fuel a run -- mentally, emotionally, physically. Sometimes that combination is spot on and the outing is invigorating. Other times, the systems aren't firing together, and you do what you need to do to log your miles or time and move on with the day.

I fell somewhere in between that range this morning (closer to the latter end), and that was just fine. Not every run is going to be a great one. Period. But, I still got it done, and that rules.

Elly got it done, too. She doesn't really care, but I do. It's good for our sweet girl! She and I will invest in a day of rest tomorrow, though! See you then!

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