Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Time To Be Quiet ...

Okay, I can't complain about over-exerting myself on this Rest Day as most of the day has been spent at the computer. (Frankly, I'd rather be complaining about over-exerting myself ... what a bore it is at the computer for so long!) But, this has given me ample time to listen to the Olympic coverage this afternoon, and that's pretty cool.

So, hey, did you hear about the US swimmer Conner Jaeger who, in his 1500 freestyle qualifier, swam too many laps because he didn't hear the bell to stop when he finished and had lost track of the number himself? I thought that was fabulous because he dug deep and just kept going to make sure he did what he set out to do. In an interview, he said he wasn't going to chance swimming too few, so he figured he'd keep going. And, isn't sometimes losing track of the details of your own endeavor so human? Anyway, he's racing in the finals, and I'll not only be rooting for my country but also for him, personally, for his spirit!!

Um, on the contrary, my spirit needs a little jolt. While nothing is wrong, I am dragging a bit. A few weeks ago, I realized I probably need to sneak in a 3-day break before jumping into my Half training full throttle, and tomorrow is just the day to do it. This is not the first time I've taken a week off only to turn around within a month and take one 3-day break, and it's okay. I'm actually looking very forward to Monday's run to officially kick-off the training miles, so, I'd like to retain that excitement by giving my body and brain what they're screaming at me to do.

Sometimes, you have to slow it down. And focus. Shut down the outside noise. And breathe. I do need that to reboot and start to envision what these next three months will look like. Once a goal is in front of me, I need to see it, but I also need to see its path. It's time to lock the vision down, and pour myself mentally into the game. That's what these three days -- the next two in particular -- are for.

So, I'll see you after a bit of bonus rest tomorrow. In the meantime, my Mary Engelbreit calendar (and Alan Loy McGinnis) again provided me with a whopping piece of wisdom. I just loved it! I wish I'd read this before training for my first Half; it might have saved me some strained brain cells!! Take a peek, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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