Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dynamic Duo

I already planned to get up and run today. PC#2, who is training for the upcoming Komen Run, probably planned on it, too. She just forgot to tell her trainer. HA! So, even though Trainer Aaron said to her, "Do you want to go today? Or, do you want to go to-morr-owwwwww?" she opted for today. GET UP, AARON!

This worked out great for me because she and I got to run a little bit of our runs together! Our routes overlapped for the first 2.3 miles! Yeahh! Here's how today shook out:

PC#2 got some assistance with Aaron's watch so she could time
her run. This scene is new to you because I never use a watch.
I couldn't use the stop watch function if I had to. Puh-leez.
Bright and shiny and ready to rock!
Elly was dying to keep up with the girls! She even wedged
herself between PC#2 and I at one point. She's not one to be
left out, you know. Until we go faster than she. Poor thing.
Elly's trying to keep up. It's just not working.
Hey, I think I'll take a picture of her behind
me ... check it out ...
... whoops. Totally missed. I'll try again ...
... and, now I'll stop trying this and pay
attention to what I'm doing! Besides, there's
road construction coming up around the
corner we're approaching, and I literally
almost ran into it the other day because I
wasn't watching where I was going. Tool.
Along the way, we saw these hay bales. Of course, I had to
shout out, "Haaaayyyyyy ..." Okay, that's funny in our house.
Look at her go! You can tell she's cruising
by her untamed ponytail action!
The dynamic, stinky duo in motion almost to our split point.
And, with a hug to PC#2 (who totally rocked her run) and a
pat for the pooch, I took off for my remaining 3.7 miles!
Today was smooth and uneventful. And,
I like almost all of the route. Except this hill.
It totally blows. I know, it doesn't look like
much, but it's one that really gets me in an
ouchie fashion. But, I don't work to avoid
it, either. One day, I will conquer it without
complaining! (But, that day wasn't today ...)
Just as I was crankin' in my head about the hill, I looked down
to see that I was being rewarded with a BB color we don't
have! A serious score by our standards. (We also think saying
"Haaaayyyyy" is funny, so ...)
I was in the middle of being pleased with the BB treasures
when I looked down again ... BAM! There's my good friend, Abe!
And, I reached the top. I understand how
it's hard to believe I ever made it when I
kept finding goodies. But, I did.
Once home, Aaron got me a big, ol' cup
of ice water. Ahhh ... I'd been craving water
since Mile 5, so this hit the spot! I then
showed him my treasure trove!
THEN PC#2 came out to the sittin' spot all kinds of clean. I
was not, so she was a bit hesitant to get too close. I can
understand but made her anyway. Aaron put the camera right
-- and I do mean RIGHT -- in my face, and this is the face I
make when he does that because it makes my eyes go wonky.
Ahh ... camera, a safe distance. Mom's smell, not a safe distance
from the clean girl. But she withheld comment because she's
been raised with manners.
It's another successful day of running in the books! Success = Did It, so chalk up your own brand of success for today, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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