Saturday, October 11, 2014

Simple As That

To know me is to know I'm pretty uncomplicated. My world is as uncomplicated as I can make it, and I don't engage in nor care to be around drama, mind games or chaos. And, if I find myself involved nonsense, I work like hell to find a solution and productively shut it down a.s.a.p.

I like things uncomplicated.

This sentiment is readily apparent in my running. Keeping it simple is why I grew to love it. I don't stress about finish times. I don't agonize about my ability as opposed to anyone else's. I don't even know the lingo nor do I care to learn it. I didn't engage in and continue with running to formally educate myself about the sport, but I do put a high value on what I learn about me.

I wasn't kidding about the uncomplicated life topic. You can see that evidence of it in exactly how I recently calculated my year-end goal and what it will take to reach it:
This has been sitting on the floor by the computer chair for 2
days. I couldn't tell you why.
Yes, those are two pieces of scrap paper, a piece of loose leaf graph paper, and I wrote on all of it with a pen by hand. I'm filling in my daily mileage in pencil. It totally works for me.

My method isn't better than anyone else's. And, the argument could be made (and, perhaps, valid) that I'm too stubborn to succumb to using a spreadsheet. But, I don't like electronics. I like paper and writing utensils. I like to sit wherever I'm inspired while I figure out my next steps. And, I know my way of doing such things is complicated/unnecessary/cumbersome/unorganized to someone else who swears by the computer or other gadgets where workouts can be logged and calories burned can be computed. I'm not knocking it; I just like my way.

Being true to myself is a huge key to success as I have defined it for myself. This is one of the few activities where I can take control and make it all about me. And, so I do.

Enjoy every part of your Saturday, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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