Thursday, October 30, 2014


I did something this past weekend. It may not seem like a big deal. But, it was.

It all started when I got out the Halloween decorations I had yet to place, and I came upon one of my favorite sets:
I collected 'em from Hardees back in the day. Goblin in a
Cauldron. Cat in a Pumpkin. Ghost in a Bag. And, my fave
to look at and to say, Bat in a Stump.
Sometimes, this little group goes on display in some little nook where it can't be appreciated as much as I think it deserves. So, this year, I decided it was going right in the middle of the kitchen table (ta-da!). But, for that to happen, something already there had to move.

You know how you decorate for holidays and certain things have their places and that's just where they belong so you never, ever consider moving them? In fact, it just seems wrong to even consider changing it up? Yeah, I've been that person ... but, this weekend, I went all willy-nilly and moved one of my beloved hedge hogs to make room for the Hardees Halloween Quartet:
He seems happy there in his Fall foliage with his friend Tilly.
He may not want to return to the table ...
I moved that gold pumpkin from the table, too ... Great Scott, I was on a tear that day!!!

Okay, this was a monumental kind of thing for me. I mean, that hedge hog belongs on the table. It's the perfect spot, I get to see him and it's just where he goes. No other place will do, right?! Evidently, wrong ...

Moving that hedge hog fit right in to a theme I've been noticing around me lately, a theme of patterns that haven't been challenged even though they're not really working. I am not alone in what I've observed. I might add, I'm in some excellent company. It's not abnormal, but it sure kind of sucks once aware of it! Sure, everyone is getting by. But, who wants to just get by? And, isn't that often the way? We slip into a comfort zone and either don't reevaluate it often enough to see when it needs some maintenance, or -- worse -- we see it might not be working very well, but we're too comfortable to do anything about it, and we settle. The devil we know feels safer than the one we fear.

That's no good.

Relocating my hedge hog was far from a life-changing move. But, the principle was profound for me and a good reminder that frequent check-ins on how things in life are chugging along is a really good idea. Some patterns are probably working and can be left alone. And, then, there will be the others ...

This is a good time to add that if I didn't challenge and re-challenge  and challenge yet again beliefs I had about myself, I would never have run a single step. Just. Sayin'.

Feeling stuck? Take a few minutes to reflect and reassess. It might be time to realign or carve out a new path entirely!

Speaking of stuck in a whole different way, check out what I stuck in my plants:
Yes. I do know how fabulous those are!!

And, tomorrow? We bundle up to run!! I'll check in after thawing from the morning run!

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