Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Do What You Gotta Do

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 167 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 848.3 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 351.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $54.04
My "duh" moment of the day, because, yes, I find myself having them at least once a day, was when I realized of course  Elly wasn't ready to run yesterday because she's older than I am in dog years. Seeing as it takes me weeks at best to recover from any random injury and months if we're talking muscle issues, then there's no way I could have expected her to take it to the streets yesterday and have her walk away unscathed.

Let's say it together: DUH.

If I didn't know there was something wrong, I wouldn't be able to look at her today and see any issue. And, she's certainly acting normal. But, I know better. She's still sidelined for a couple of weeks. Even then, she needs to go through a build-up process.

To ease her woes of being left behind today, I gave her her new bandana. She looooooves new bandana time!
"Yes! Yes! Take my picture! But, let me
first shake my hair in the wind like all of
the other models do. They learned it from
me, you know."
"Okay, ready! CHEESE!!"
Elly most definitely enjoyed her wardrobe change more than I did my outing. I did enjoy the outside time even though the wind was just brisk enough to bite at my ears which I do not enjoy. But, my legs felt like lead. I wanted to do the distance, but I didn't want to run all of it. So, I didn't, and I chose to walk a lot of it instead. It was the perfect compromise in my opinion.

I was talking to a friend of mine last night who, just last week, completed her first Half Marathon. She is one who is much more inclined to read up on anything she undertakes before and during the undertaking (which I am just not). So, it was no surprise to me that she was way ahead of where I was right after my first in terms of keeping expectations in perspective and actually embracing the wisdom that exists, if you just look for it, including the wisdom of incorporating walking into your running. Within our conversation, we figured out we'd both independently read the same article supporting the walking strategy (right here!), and I couldn't help but think how much better off my friend was by gathering up different kinds of information, thinking and incorporating it rather than putting unrealistic expectations on herself that she would probably have to later undo.

I don't look back and necessarily wish I'd done my launch any other way than I did as I did the absolute best I could at the time. But, I fully admit (and always have) that there were probably better ways -- at least ways that I didn't require an ego repair now and then! And, you know by now I'm way past giving a rat's patootie if I end up walking a stint here or there. To be honest, sometimes it's the walk break that keeps me going longer.

Today's outing was a decent one with lovely Fall scenery ...
... but, I couldn't be happier that tomorrow is scheduled for rest!!

Do the best with what you have today, and I'll check in tomorrow ...!

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