Sunday, January 26, 2014

They're Baaaa-aack!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 19 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 52.3 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 39 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.40

Um, do you see what I didn't see on my calendar?
Yeah, I'm talking about that "3 mi" written exactly where I write any scheduled mileage for the day. Even though I knew my Half Marathon schedule was starting this week, it escaped me that that might mean today. I guess actually looking at the calendar would have served me well ...

I actually went to bed fully anticipating getting up for a 5-miler. But, my mind and body had other plans (see yesterday's attempt to sleep through the night starting at 5 p.m. ...), and, at 6 a.m. today, there was nothing less than an emergency getting me out of bed. Aaron checked on me somewhere in the 7 a.m. zone which is when he reports I told him, "I'm not making myself get up today." I have to believe him, but I have no recollection of saying it, and I wasn't out of bed until after 8 a.m.

Apparently, I really, really was tired.

Once up, I used my weights while watching my friend DVR, and I planned to be finished for the day. I didn't even realize I was scheduled to run today until we were heading out the door for a bagel. I didn't even care because I knew I could easily make the miles up.

Doing so came a lot earlier than I planned as I took advantage of the 50-degree afternoon and went on out! I took Aaron and Elly with me making it even better than I would have had this morning. We went to a trail which Elly went nutty about as soon as we got out of the car! I never consider that she remembers going; maybe she doesn't and it's just that she's excited about the plethora of new smells! Either way, she loves it ...
"So happy! So happy! Soooo Haaapppyyyyyyy! Wagwagwag!!"
I am not the biggest fan of the trail because it's so flat (seriously, who says that), but it was good for the trio, and I knew would be a nice change of scenery. It wasn't totally flat today as bikes have gone through the recently softer ground leaving behind whopping ruts. Unfortunately, one was bigger than I realized, and Down. I. Went. The "down" part wasn't much of a problem, but the kick of the rut starting the whole thing really pulled my hamstring. Hours later, it still hurts, but it's one of those that will hurt when I'm still and feel fine while I move. (I was so hoping the end-of-the-year falling down tally would be Elly: 1; Me: 0. So much for that.)

But, what a better way to break in the new kicks, huh? Yeah ... for real ... here they are ...
'Look familiar?! Yeah, they're going to look familiar for a very, long time as I bought 2 pairs! The short of the story is that my very cool Asics, after only 49 miles, started to break through at the toe. You know, the very issue I've had and that has come to intimidate my shoe buying process because so many shoes "these days" have the wider, lighter mesh. And, mesh that isn't tightly woven simply does not work for my feet. Period.

I have to hand it to someone -- the shoe manufacturers? The shoe store managers/buyers/owners? I have no idea, but I am so very thankful for the evolution of return-in-store policy for shoes. When I bought the two pairs of Asics back in December, I made triple-sure I could bring them back if there was a problem, and my return of them to Dick's Sporting Goods (give a shout-out when earned!) was completely painless.

Anyway, the old blues served me beyond my expectations the first time around, and I was fortunate to find two more in the exact model. They felt exactly the same today as when I broke in my first pair; I can tell it's going to take some time, but that time will come, and they're just fine! Here's to hoping the next time you hear a thing about my shoes it's because I'm showing off the cool shoe laces I just put in 'em!

And, let's face it: Not only are awesome shoe laces important, but ol' blues totally sport a variety fancy laces better than the shoes I just returned ...

One more thing about today's run ... There were about a billion geese on the lake! Can you see 'em?
All of those dots on the water are geese. Not leaves or other
sundry tree things: Geese. And, this doesn't even capture the
half of them! I was so hoping they wouldn't start flying
overhead ... have you ever had a goose poo on your windshield?
I have. 'Nuff said!
I have checked many times, and I know I am not scheduled to run tomorrow! It's a good thing, too, because I have to stay up and watch the latest Bachelor wedding. I make no apologies.

Here's to things working out and groovin' forward even if not the way I planned! Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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