Friday, January 10, 2014

It's All Good, So It Must Be Friday

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 7 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 13.8 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 4 Money Found For Food Bank: $4.49

I'd say it's a good thing I don't feel as old today as I did 7-10 years ago (yes, yes, my 30s were harder than expected. And, I was tired. Very tired.) or my encounter at the grocery store after my run might have just laid me out right there at the feet of the cashier. Here's how it went:

Cashier (whom I actually think is a manager): That'll be $51.50.
Me: Hey, that's the name of one of Van Halen's albums, is it not? 5150, right?(Believe when I say I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with that.)
Cashier: Um, I really don't know ...
Me: Are you telling me you are too young to know?
Cashier: I think so. I was born in 1986.
Me: (audible grunt, then ...) Hmmm, I guess you don't know.
Cashier: 'Can't say I know much about Van Halen (said as though the name was a distant recollection, some potentially true concept that was floated around at some point).
Me: Then I have nothing left to say to you.

I just giggled my way to the car with my $51.50-worth of groceries. By the way, 5150 came out the same year the dude was born. Just sayin'.

It was one of those moments where I knew, mathematically, I was a good chunk older than he, but, try as I might, I just couldn't feel it. And, as strange as it is to say, I did try. I literally tried to mentally position myself to where I felt almost 20 years older than this guy. But, it didn't work. Frankly, I felt great, and if he doesn't know anything about Van Halen, then it's a good thing I didn't segue into my love for Neil Diamond ... Although, that's where I could have burst out into song. That would have been awesome for all!

The fact is, as nice as the guy was, he probably was eager for me to exit as I came straight from my run. The temperature was in the mid-30s, so I got a really good sweat on (perfect for post-run grocery shopping, amiright?) I didn't take the dog, and I'm so glad I didn't because running in this ...
... would have made her disgusting!! And, given it's snow slush, she would have been really cold, so it's best she wasn't with me. I know she doesn't see it that way, but she gets over it.

Of particular point of interest today, almost immediately after heading out, I came upon a wallet. Not even kidding:
If this is yours, it's at the police station. If something's missing,
it wasn't me. I like finding money, not stealing it.
Right there in the middle of the street. And, slush. Now, I love finding money, but I hated finding this. All I could think about was the panic felt by the person at the moment he realized it was gone. But, the great thing is my route today passed by a police station, so I took it there! Can I just say a wallet hanging out in the middle of a snow-slushy street is really, really cold?! My fingers were mighty chilly (and, stiff!) by the time I reached the station and turned it in. I was glad to be giving it up. And, check it out ... along the way to the station, I scored 15 cents to add to the dime I'd already found!! Yahoo!!
Su-pahhhhh scores ...!!!
I was basking in the glow of my good deed while crossing the street only for a driver to run the red light right after I passed its lane of traffic. I might not have even noticed except the driver of the car coming into that lane pounded the crap out of his horn at the light runner who almost got t-boned. The total drag of that situation is that I waited very specifically for my pedestrian light to turn before I crossed. I had no reason to keep looking for cars by the time I went. I guess I better put in my head that I need to keep looking regardless of what signal I have.

I credit my hunter orange shirt for being seen and not squished, by the way. Yay new running shirt!

Besides not being squished, doing a good deed, my foot not soaking when I stepped in a puddle I didn't see coming and finding coins, I beat the rain! All of that adds up to a really good run! Things were definitely on my side today! And, no matter how old I actually am, especially as compared to some grocery store dudes, I felt great! That's a winning Friday!!

By the way, the answer is, Yes, I am certain I feel younger now than I did a decade ago because of my running. Not much else has necessarily changed -- overall, life demands are different but not lessened. And, speaking for myself, the demands of life (the parts that I asked for and the parts that I didn't but come along for the ride anyway) can make a girl tired!! Being tired made me feel old. Quite old. Running is a huge contributor of turning that around for me.

Tomorrow's a quick mile before a busy Saturday! Enjoy the start of your weekend, and I'll check in after mine kicks off!

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