Sunday, January 12, 2014

Great Ideas Come To Those Who Wait ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 9 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 16.8 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 7 Money Found For Food Bank: $4.52

It turns out that the freedom afforded me by not yet being on my specific training schedule translated this morning more sleep, less running! And, that was okay by me. If I had needed to get up to cover a particular distance, I would have. But, I didn't need to. So, I slept.

Part of my intentional lack of planning had a lot to do with being out and about yesterday and seeing long stretches of sidewalk still snow-covered. The snow part is difficult enough, but that it was melting during the day only to freeze overnight, I knew that meant I couldn't count on the sidewalks this morning! I could get around the issue by using the bike lane, but that required getting up early enough to also beat the traffic. You already know I didn't do that!

And, not only did I know I would be an annoyance to the motor vehicles, but I also knew it was already too late to do serious scoping of drive-thrus on route because, even though I knew they weren't yet open, it was late enough that I knew many employees would be there. And, you know how I feel about scaring people. Not cool. Scoping and ice capades would have to wait ... and, I got myself another half hour of sleep!

Running was on the morning agenda, though, so, I came up with an awesome new plan. After confirming that Aaron was also awake (once I woke him up, but whatever), I told him I had a great idea for him. He knew what was coming as he muttered, "How far are you going ..." I told him I'd go 2 miles if he'd go with me; mere minutes later, we were up and at it!
THAT is a man raring to goooooo!!!
Immediately after this pic, my decision to bail on the longer route was supported as there was a big stretch of ice all the way across our driveway (I can say it was cute watching Elly cross it since she wasn't hurt ...). There were also a number of patches that popped up along our little route, so it definitely was the right decision.

And, look what we found along the way in, what I consider, reward for using my noggin'!
Three pennies and our old pals BBs!! As Pit Crew #2 noted,
the BBs are colors we don't even have, so let's call that a
super score!! Ah, it's the little things ...
The run was a nice way to get the morning blood flowing, and I capped it off with a round of hand weights. Now that the ones that were being used amidst the branches of the Snoopy Christmas Tree (to keep it from being front-heavy and falling over*) are again accessible, I have a good variety to use which keeps things more interesting.

* My bet is that would be among the most unique reasons to not exercise: "Yeah, I would totally work out, but my equipment is in my Christmas Tree."

Tomorrow's run is already planned for route, distance and, of course, money-scoring opportunities! I'll check in after and let you know how it went!

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