Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Know the Calendar Reads Wednesday, But, Surely It Means Monday

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 6 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 10.5 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 4 Money Found For Food Bank: $4.24

So much for the leg recovery afforded me at the beginning of the week because I ran on partially snow-covered stretches today, and it hurts!! It seems my determination to run outside was a bit questionable ...

While I anticipated about a half-mile stretch to be snow covered (admittedly with no real plan as to what I was going to do once I encountered it), I did think the sidewalks on either end of that stretch would be reasonably clear. Well, the first quarter mile was completely unreasonable and set the tone for a pretty difficult run. Half way through it, I decided to go forth long enough to check the drive-thrus on the route, but then turn around and drive elsewhere because the footing was terrible. It hurt and it wasn't safe; take your pick as to the best reason to abandon Plan A!

It paid off to pursue this mini stretch in its entirety, though:
It is under the drive-thru window that you can drop change
and, evidently, snuff your cigarette. By the way, that's not just
a penny there ... there's a dime, too!
After scoring the morning's first 12 cents, I got in the car to relocate. As I drove, it became apparent that the route on which I was bailing wasn't just unplowed; it was impossible to cross without significant effort all the while hoping to not fall into the flow of traffic. Yeah, Plan A for the day was stupid not well thought out.

Once I relocated, the run worked out much better overall. There were still a number of slick spots and/or stretches of ice that snuck up on me. In truth, they probably wouldn't have seemed so surprising if I'd kept my eyes constantly forward instead of to the side to scope for money. Old habits die hard. I'm stoked to report I didn't fall even once (whew!), and I found much more by way of cash:
Yay for more money peeking through the snow!
I will not see what's at the base of this meter
for quite some time ...
By the way, check out what was staring at me from behind while I was picking up another penny:
That's one creepy clown ...
Three and a half un-routed miles and 50 cents later, I called it a wrap! My legs were on fire from the sliding steps that dominated the run not to mention the added adventure of tightening up for the sake of stability! I'm currently debating: Icy Hot? Or, acetaminophen? Oh, the decisions ...

Through it all, I truly was thankful to be outside to run. I just need a new route for a while. I also need to learn to make two trips from the car to the house when I stop to pick up a few things from the store on the way home because I might think I'm in total control of what I'm carrying, but the gallon of milk had other ideas for me today:
KER-SPLASH! glug-glug-glug-glug ... *$%#(@ ... *sigh* ...
From my hand to the floor to the oh, cheesy-biscuits, people, we have an explosion on. the. rug!!! It was quite something -- down goes the milk with a naïve plea from me to not break open. I immediately put down my two cartons of eggs while one tumbles on to the stairs. I take a moment to will it to stop rolling. And, it did. But, all the while, the milk isn't just leaking; it's making a fierce break for it into the carpet and across the kitchen floor. Two-thirds of a gallon. GO BIG OR GO HOME, PEOPLE! I ignored my screaming legs and booked it for towels and something to clean the carpet (liquid laundry detergent, anyone?) and said some words and scared the dog away from the spill because I didn't need this mess and potential diarrhea doggie. And, I scrubbed and scrubbed all the while thinking what a great arm workout it was ... if only it didn't come with the fear of not getting all of the milk out of the carpet and it smelling. *sigh*

Elly could not have cared less about my lemonade-from-lemons moment. She was just hacked for getting chased away from a tasty bunch of carpet to lick:
"No run and getting shooed away? What gives around here?!"
She stayed in that spot for the next three and a half hours. No joke.

But, I digress ...

Once the morning calmed down, I finally pulled out the January calendar to annoy myself in my discovery I forgot to make dentist appointments for the young Crewers and there is nothing like backing yourself into a corner of limited appointment choices map out my training schedule for April's Half! I figured I had a few days to play with before focusing, and, it turns out I have almost two full weeks to do with what I want. That was the good news of the morning! Well, that and running outside. And, finding 50 cents for the Food Bank. And, not falling down.

Okay, okay, there was plenty good! I just can't hear it over my screamin' legs, so I'm off to contend with them, and I'll check in tomorrow!

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