Saturday, January 18, 2014

It's All In How You Define It

I was listening to one of my many DVRed episodes of Dr. Phil yesterday when he talked about what he defines as a life decision -- which is one you make to literally change your life's course. Specifically, he outlined a life decision is made from the heart, not the head, because the head can justify anything to fit ones needs or desires. Ain't it the truth ...

I don't have a clue as to what the show's topic was during this discussion, but as I applied his definition to my running, he was absolutely right. When I started running 5+ years ago, I could intellectually list the many reasons the odds were stacked against me for success, and, that list could have been used to justify not getting in the game. After all, I'd used components of it before, amiright ? That start to running, though, was entirely different: I ignored every reason to fail (and, boy, did I know what they were), and I absolutely  drew strength from my heart. I ran because I very much wanted to, obstacles be damned!! I looked not for justification to quit but for justification to keep going ("If jogging hadn't kept my dog's toenails trimmed, I might not have stuck with it." ring a bell??) I was looking to change the course of my life, and I truly do believe that is driven from the heart!

I totally get how much work it is to get what's in your heart override the voices in your head when it comes to the bigger challenges we face. But, I know how very possible it is to do so.

It was my heart that drove my weights workout this morning as I fully intend to succeed at my do-something-every-day challenge, but all my head could think about was how I wished I were outside running! So, that's tomorrow's plan. In fact, I plan to run long even though that wasn't my plan for tomorrow as of yesterday (follow that? Oh, and remember how I said having a specific schedule was really, really good for me? This is further proof as to why ...). I just really want to look for money go long. Of course, Mother Nature and her surprise hail storm of moments ago and the iffy forecast for overnight may change those plans in which case I will run a quick mile, and call it good!

In the meantime, here's today's good-with-the-bad moment: Aaron and I conspired on what we needed from the store, and even though he headed out with a list, I just knew there was something I was forgetting. How many times have we all been there? Anyway, I kept thinking about it, and I finally got my answer when I walked down the hall and narrowly missed stepping in the cat barf. That's when it hit me: Carpet cleaner. That's what was missing from the list for the store ...
"I'm here to help. And, you are welcome."
Thank goodness for cell phones to add to the list ...

Well, inside or outside, something is happening tomorrow. I'll check in and let you know the outcome! In the meantime, check out what's in your heart ... you might be surprised about what you find ...

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