Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Target Rich

Today's numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 160 Nancy's 2013 Mileage 749.9 Elly's 2013 Mileage 353.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $16.68 in change, $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83

Dr. Phil often talks about putting oneself in a target-rich environment to up the odds of getting what one wants. So, when I needed to map a new route for this morning's run, I took his direction under advisement and packed the route with as many drive thrus and parking meters as I could into five miles. Of course I did.

The area most convenient for me to run today isn't much of a challenge in terms of hills, but it did require being very alert given the higher volume of traffic and number of intersections where I needed to keep an eye out over my shoulder. It's the traffic/noise increase that made it better to leave Elly behind today. I can manage her feet, but I cannot manage her traffic-paranoia emotions!

In between the safety watch, the new route totally paid off:
Cha-cha-ching !! 64 more cents to the Food Bank!!
The evolution of my daily schedule is going to keep me guessing as to where I'm going to run most mornings, so I'm pleased to know that not being able to frequent a number of my current go-to spots to look for money will likely not decline the amount I find anyway!

I'm certain the theme of that last paragraph was really supposed to focus on being glad to have so many great options for places I can run. Nahhhh ... I can run just about anywhere, but not all routes are this target rich!

The other excitement of the morning came in the form of trying to beat the rain. Well, the sprinkles. But, still -- sprinkles when the temperature is 40 degrees isn't fun. It's cold! I kept watching the sky, but I did so more out of curiosity. I started out knowing rain was a possibility, and I went anyway. Today, it just didn't matter if I got wet. I just didn't want to treadmill!
My gamble to run outside paid off as the sprinkling started in the last minute of my run. My coins and myself made it to my car in the nick of time!
Safe. Sound. Done.
Thank you, little droplettes, for holding
off until I could keep dry ...
Tomorrow is supposed to be cold, but the forecast does not have any rain! The trees are turning, so I hope to have a lot of awesome views from the road tomorrow!

Wait ... Trees turning? Money? Sunrises? Watching the dog with her tongue hanging out sideways? All of the things I talk about that have nothing directly to do with running? Yeah, those are all of the things that keep this running thing going!

Find what motivates you, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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