Friday, October 4, 2013

Easy Like Friday Morning

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 150 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 694.7 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 329.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $14.72 in change; $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83

Remember how yesterday I was working hard to keep my "I don't want to's" about today's run at bay? Yeah, well, they really didn't go away until I was almost five miles in to this morning's run. My attitude and my physical abilities have evolved into being a fair fight (vs. when I first started), so I let them battle it out while I just went.

I'm not so certain you could call today's outing a "run," though, if I'm being honest. It was much more of a jog ... darn-near a saunter at different points, but I really didn't care. I decided it was more important to enjoy the outside time than to worry about how long it would take to get from start to finish. It really didn't matter, so I really didn't worry about it.

Being somewhat uninspired to run usually means my camera stays in its pocket because I'm not really taking a lot of notice of things (except for cars; I always watch for cars ... and, money! I still tend to see that ...). ANYWAY, the one thing that did make me stop for a second and just giggle was this:
It's even more fun to 'be cool about fire safety' when the dogs
are dressed up for some kitchen time, isn't it?
Along today's run, there were also monetary treasures! Just as I was beginning to wonder if I'd find any, I found quite a few! Here's the entire stash:
Fourteen cents and an old friend, BB. !!
I had to wait for traffic to pass for almost every one of those babies, but it's always worth it. And, today, I was totally in the mood to stop for whatever reason I could come up with, so that's totally a winning outing!

My favorite pennies to find were in a drive-thru that I've never scoped. It's not even close to my normal route, so it was an adventure. I wasn't even sure if this drive-thru was open or closed, but, it appeared closed, so I went to take a closer look.

No sooner did I commit to checking it out, and I had second thoughts about its open-or-not status. So as not to appear like a total tool, I hit the quite-steep incline to get up to it in such a way that someone might think I purposely ran up it for some hill work. For real, I totally could have pulled that excuse off. Just as I got to the top, it was time to u-turn to the drive-thru window when I saw a car at the outside menu. Was there someone there ordering? Was it an employee car temporarily parked there while utilizing the back entry? (Oh, YES the DO do that ... I've run through enough drive-thrus to know such things.) There was no time to actually figure it out because I needed to get the heck out of the way if it was a breakfast ordering situation. I was also in perfect position to get out of the way by way of the drive-thru window, so, I swung around only to find myself in the blinding light of the sun that was directly in front of me. Yeouchhhhh and *$%^!! But, I was there, so you now I had to do a quick scope ... to the tune of three more pennies. Booyah, and get outta the way !!!
Backlit ... just like finding them in the first place only without
my retinas burning.
For such a leisurely run, that was a lot of drama.

The last few miles were reasonably uneventful. I stopped at a gas station to refill my water in this uncomfortably warm and humid morning, and that was really the highlight of that stretch. Until I got to the finish. That's always awesome.

Also awesome is a Rest Day tomorrow! I'm certain you have things on your Friday schedule you'd rather not do ... do 'em anyway, and reward yourself with something awesome. Today's reward for me was an ice cold Diet Coke!! I know ... what a surprise!!

I'll check in tomorrow to kick off the weekend!!

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