Friday, October 11, 2013

Can't Scare Me

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 154 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 716.7 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 342.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $15.26 in change; $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83

It was a startling revelation today when I passed a pedestrian and thought, "She smells freshly showered and quite lovely," only to immediately realize that if I can smell her, she can smell me ...

Well, I guess that's the risk you take, huh?! I was in the ballpark of my ninth mile at that point, so let's back it up and see how I got there! Come along!

I can't say I was excited to run this morning, but that's very, very typical when I get to the double-digit long runs. The time and energy required can sometimes seem daunting, so I have to push those thoughts away and focus on something about the next couple of hours that will make the outing an adventure and not a drudgery. Enter: TOTALLY NEW ROUTE!

Although not enthused to run when I got up, I was totally fine once I was ready to roll. It almost always happens like that, so I've learned to trust it will come. I also mentally broke the run into three pieces -- 5K, 4-miler, 5K. That's WAY more mentally manageable when I'm not feeling it! (or, even when I am!) It totally works, too.

I'd say the first few miles were uneventful, but that would be a total lie. From the unexpected construction sites I came upon to the car that jumped its turn (my  turn, I might add) at an intersection, my senses were on high alert. It's one thing to map out a long run; it's another entirely to follow the run but have to constantly problem solve along the way!

The surroundings did calm down a bit around the fourth mile which was a welcomed break. Also excellent was when I came to a significant down hill portion of my program. Whee!!! I must note that along the excellent down hill moment, it hit me that I was going to have to go back up ...
Ohhhh ... crap. !!
Getting back up that hill was worth what was to come, though. Check out where I headed:

I had a moment along this excellent path that I also knew the sun was going to be at my back for the duration of my run. I'd been running into it the entire time to this point which is nothing but a good time. The shade gave me that must-widen-eyes-to-readjust feeling. It's a good look, too:
How do you spell relief? S-H-A-D-E.
This particular path was the one used for my second 5K five years ago. I hated it for a couple of reasons. First of all, to complete the 5K, you had to run the path twice. As in, loop. SNOOZE.FEST. I probably could have gotten past that, though, except that also meant climbing a hill that just about did me in on the second go-around. I've never forgotten that hill nor that feeling, so I wasn't terribly excited about climbing it today:
And, it just keeps on going well past my
picture. Big ol' mean thing ...
I cannot tell you how surprised I am to report that I cruised right on up without real issue. Yes, I slowed myself down because that's what I do on steeper hills (wise so as not to hack off a calf muscle ... just sayin' ... it's like I've done it before ...). But, I kept going. And, going. And, going! I couldn't help but think back to that run and how I struggled. I also couldn't help but think about how I almost changed today's route because of this hill. Because I didn't want to feel this morning the way I did five years ago. Because I didn't give myself credit for, oh, I don't know, improving in five years?! Indeed, a nagging fear almost held me back completely. Why do we do those things to ourselves?!?!

Well, take that, big, mean hill!! And, check out my reward at the top!

By the by, do you know what was on the other side of that big up hill? A BIG DOWN ONE!! Let's hear it again ... wheeeeeee !!!

It boded well for that stretch to be so positive because I needed it to mentally conquer the one I knew was coming from earlier. And, it was time:
Dear Hill:
Please don't hurt me.
Respectfully, Nancy
Okay, I don't know what it was today, but I went right up. RIGHT UP! I mean, it wasn't a blast or anything, but I got to the top without thinking much about it! I would have celebrated, too, except at the top is a cross street, and just as I looked over my left shoulder to make sure I could cross, a lady in her car -- evidently late for work?! -- started to barrel around the corner. She saw me just as I saw her and very hastily stopped (because doing so in a hasty way was her only option). I'd already jammed my leg into the pavement to put on my breaks, so we were all good. However, I have absolutely no doubt that my looking back is what spared everyone from a very, big problem. Always look. Always look. Always always always look! (ps: Lady: If you're already late, calm down. Hitting me will make you wayyyyy  more late. Just sayin'!)

Unscathed, I went on my way in pursuit of money (totaling 18 more cents today!) and a safe, calm run wrap-up! When I was within three miles of finishing, I couldn't believe I felt as good as I did. I totally embraced it, too, because just last week at exactly the same spot, I felt nothing but craptastic. (Maybe it was the enchiladas from last night that did the trick ... !). Oh, it was also at this point where I passed that freshly showered lady and had my revelation.

We've now come full circle!

My water bottle lasted almost the entire run, but with the opportunity to refill it for the last half mile, I took advantage. Besides, I was right at the place where they have my favorite bunny-poo ice!
You can't pass up such an opportunity.
A half mile more to go, and I. Was. Finished. It was time to go hug the pooch who had to stay at home, but, first, we had to chase away our friend Nutter Butter who was hunkered down in the sittin' spot:
We hadn't seen him in a little while ...
... but, there has been evidence of his
continued visits as he took down the
ferocious pot-sitter cat.
He's gone for now ... so, it's our turn!
"So proud of you, mommy. Come inside, and I'll show you
how I've been practicing my napping!"
After last week's long run, there is no way I could have predicted this one to go so well. It's just the nature of the beast, and I've learned to trust and roll with it. And, if today's run had also been rough? Well, I'd just get at another long one next week. It's that simple.

'Something intimidating you?! It might be worthy of reconsideration! And, now, I look forward to a day of recoup tomorrow! We'll see you then!

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