Friday, October 25, 2013

Making It Mine

Today's numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 162 Nancy's 2013 Mileage 763 Elly's 2013 Mileage 356.4 Money Found For Food Bank: $18.74 in change, $25 in bills

2012 Found-Money Food Bank Donation: $7.83

Happy Friday!!! Oh, how I love Friday! OH how I love having that last long run before a Half out of the way!! The miles get long the closer the event -- virtual or otherwise! -- gets, so it seems to take just a wee bit more motivation to get on out there and get the miles under the feet. But, knowing the next long run is the big one is totally exciting, so ignoring those mini i-don't-wanna-do-it's totally pays off!

It was wise to get as motivated as possible before heading out today because it was chilly ... 32 degrees to start!! Brrrr ...

I have run plenty in the cold, and I have never had much issue with it. But, this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about just how cold my legs were, and it was mighty distracting. (And, yes, I was wearing pants, not shorts ... I do eventually drop the hard-core persona and exhibit some common sense!) Finally, well into my third mile, I remembered I don't just wear pants to run in the cold, but I also put on some version of second skins to actually keep me warm. Duh. Nice timing to remember I own them, huh? Suffice it to say, my legs stayed pretty cold all 10 miles. That oughta teach me. Key word: Oughta.

I decided to accept that there was absolutely nothing I could do to make my legs warmer and focus on better things. Like this:
And, this ...
And, this ...
And, this!
I actually detoured off route to see the last one up close and personal. It caught my eye, and that was that. Kind of like money catching my eye. But, the tree stayed put.

Speaking of money, it was another banner day for the Food Bank: 87 more cents! One of the quarters I found had something kind of grody on it, but it was nothing a little rub in the grass, a wipe on my pants and some scrubbing with a disinfectant wipe and a round of antibiotice for me didn't take care of. I don't know what it was, and that's all I know except that it's now clean. No need to discuss. Or judge.

Side note: Do you get the interesting quandry one faces when running with enough money to actually buy something at a garage sale and then running by a big garage sale? I thought it would be very funny to stop. Then, I pictured finding something I actually wanted but having almost three miles left to run. With a purchase. So, I passed. (See? Common sense. It really is there.)

Hey, did I mention it was cold out? I saw these with less than a mile to go:
Stiiiill frosty!
Have a holly jolly Halloween!
With the final penny find soon after seeing these, the run came to an end! My headband was all frosty, and my legs were a wee bit numb. But, it was good. The entire outing: Just good.

Like I've been saying, it's not just about the activity: It's what you make of it. That's the kind of plan that made today's run really solid, and really good! Take charge of what you're wanting to accomplish, and I'll see you from tomorrow's Rest Day!

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