Sunday, September 1, 2013

Revamping Rules

Before turning in for the evening last night, Aaron asked what has become a very customary question: How far are you running tomorrow?

I thought I was running 4 today. I'd even mentally run the route a few times during the day just so there wasn't much required in terms of thinking by morning (oh, yes ... I do that seeing as I'm not always alert when I head out!). I was just about to answer him when I wandered over to my revamped (and, you might recall, pen-and-paper-high-tech system) schedule to find out I was slotted for three!! WAHOO!!!! That was a very happy surprise ... and, I'm so glad I checked!! You see, in between times I'd mentally run my route during the day, I also considered just making it a long weekend and skipping today. I felt perfectly justified in doing so, but having the year-end goal kept me on track. As that goal is dependent on every day I've scheduled, I wasn't interested in starting the schedule by already having to make up miles to hit the goal!

So, miles checked last night; miles run today!

The temperature this morning was in the upper 70s (a very quick, downward shift from yesterday), and with the sun behind some clouds, I could take my canine pal!! Hooray! It was still quite humid out; the clouds made it possible to take her and for it not to be totally miserable for me. The clouds also raised a wee bit of concern, though:
I was intrigued. At first, I was alerted at the storm-blue of the
sky, but I swapped that for being fascinated by the white clouds
billowing in front of the storm clouds.
One layer of clouds concerning; one layer non-threatening.
Seriously! Pick one!
Another mile later, it went darker in the gray zone. Run. Faster.
Going in to my third mile, it was not only much darker than the above, but it also looked misty as though it was raining in the distance. Elly and I poured it on and got ourselves home without issue.

In fact, ultimately, there was no issue. It never rained. It just passed on by. I don't get it.

I also don't get how the end of my pony tail gets soaked.
The revamped schedule is in full swing which includes a Rest Day tomorrow! Whee!! A day off all the way around!! Enjoy your extended weekend, and we'll check in tomorrow!

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