Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Big Picture

Were you a kid who always wanted the box of 64 crayons complete with the built-in sharpener even though the school supply list specified bringing no larger than a box of 24? I was. I was also the one who skipped over the beginner sets of paints and pastels and asked for the masters collection to be under the tree at Christmas as it seemed strange to me to have to be at some certain level to be ready to create. I mean, really.

I reflected on those thoughts and more as I stepped foot outside and saw that God got out the masters collection today for the morning's creation:
Ho-ly YUM. What a creation!!!

In addition to finding an abundance of change this morning, my run was filled with thoughts of how much I truly love my running mornings. Soaking up a sunrise like this genuinely made it impossible today for me to put into words the reasons I love it. I've tried and deleted a half dozen sentences trying to explain, but none of it made sense. I just keep looking at that picture.

Of course, not every day is this glorious nor am I always filled with an inexplicable experience. I do not love running to this level every day, but so what. Think of the many things in your world that are sometimes difficult but that you would never, ever dream of giving up on because the whole of the experience is bigger and richer than the moments that are a pain. Marriage, children, careers ... anyone?

Yeah, running can be hard some days. It is hard some days. But, put it in the category of the big picture being worth it in the ways that matter to you, and you'll get how to get through the rough spots.

By the time I was finished, the sky changed significantly which is when I saw the swooshes:
Eat your heart out, Nike ...
Oh, and to update you, yes, that penny I mentioned yesterday was still there. All traffic pattern stars aligned for me (seriously, it was weird), and it was an easy snag:
Still there! I left the filter ...
That was the last penny to add to my already 26-cent stash for the day! How cool would it be for this rate to continue between now and the Thanksgiving donation?! (VERY COOL)

Just like life itself, exercise of any kind is going to be bumpy. Period. I know in the past I, for one, fully expected that it needed to be fun, or I just wasn't going to do it. It's almost like exercise owed it to me  to be so entertaining that that was the only way I'd deem it worth my time. To be honest, until this moment, I never really even realized that. Huh.

I'm going to chew on that sentiment while I get on with my day. I'm already looking forward to another good one tomorrow! I'll check in after and let you know how it went ... good or bad, it's gonna happen! See you then!

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