Thursday, September 5, 2013

The More Things Change

Hey, remember my friend Mary Kate? You know, one third of we awesome cupcake runners this summer? There she is!
She and I are in the middle of settling on the date for the next virtual run (because I proposed one more option to make sure we pick one that works best for both of us), which leaves my long run tomorrow up in the air (because Mary Kate actually has a life and can't be at my email beck and call ... can you even believe it ?! HA!). I'm actually loving the fact that I'm not sure what I'm "supposed" to do tomorrow because it means I'm totally down with whatever distance I'm supposed to run. Here's what I'm saying: Right now, my calendar tomorrow has 6 miles set. But, if we move the Half run to the proposed date, I need to run 9. And, if she doesn't have time to figure this out immediately (because this planning takes more time than you would think, f'real ), I need to go farther than shorter to make sure I'm covered. And, I'm okay with that!

When did I ever think I'd be in a position where the next day I needed to run either 6 miles or 9, whatever, makes no difference ... ?!?!?

I was pondering this very concept when the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same" kept coming to mind. It was super annoying because I kept arguing (yes, with myself) that things aren't the same at all. I mean, I used to not run. I used to hate running. And, when I did run, it wasn't for very long much less  tossing up 6 miles or 9 like they were both viable morning jaunts. So, no, it doesn't seem like anything is the same for me!

But, then I kept thinking and realized that everything's, actually, exactly the same. I didn't get to this point because I'm a built to be a super-stellar runner. I got here the exact same way I've done anything worth doing in my life -- by being determined, clear on my goals, honest with myself and committed to the vision. And, I'm a little stubborn. And, I have enough of an ego to decide I can do what I want regardless of how many on-the-surface factors may be stacked against me. It's just how I roll.

Okay, but while I go on about this, I saw this and laughed because it is, also, very true:
I used to not just touch my toes, but I could -- without warmup -- put my palms flat on the ground without the slightest bend in my knees. *sigh* I guess some things do change! I'll take that kind of physical change any day over changing what's on the inside!

The next time you have a challenge in front of you, dig deep!!! That's where all of the good stuff is!! I'll see you after tomorrow's whatever-the-distance run!

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