Tuesday, January 1, 2013

She Started It

Happy New Year!! Elly here to ring in the New Year with you! Mommy and I figured that since this whole running thing really began because of  me that this year's blog could be kicked off by  me! It's not often I'm at the helm, but, today, it's all about me!

Before we get there, check out this picture ... doesn't it look like I totally tied one on last night?
"Haaaayyyyyyyy ..."
Um, I didn't, though. That would have required more effort than I tend to give most things. In fact, you know how my Mommy says that if running hadn't kept my toenails trimmed she might not have stuck with it? Yeah, well, if she didn't keep taking me out, I'm certain I'd never get off the couch. Ever.

So, what really happened yesterday is that I started the day off with the walk in the snow (awesome to lick, not fun to get soaked), then I capped off my evening with my favorite Dentastick. Oh, and I went around the house and checked on everyone at 3:15 a.m. Everything was in order, so I went back to my couch. That's a great New Year's Eve if you ask me!

It was also a great 2012 for me, so I wanted to share my own stats today! Ready? Here we go!

Miles run: 335

Shortest run: 2 miles

Longest run: 6.3 miles. Yeah, this K-9 can 10-K and then some!

Number of times I was left behind when mommy went running: I don't want to talk about it.

Number of times I tried to command the run direction: A lot, but it never works

Number of times I ran into something because I wasn't looking: I think it was twice, but I run into things with my head, so I'm not really sure.

Cents found while running: Not a single penny. I don't notice such things and could not possibly care less. Now, if we're counting discarded paper napkins, that's a different story ...

Highest number of potty stops during a run: It was between 7 and 9, but I forget. I think I annoyed Mommy that day ...

Favorite place to make the first potty stop: Within the first half mile of the run especially if there are no trash cans in sight.

Official races entered. Zero. And, it makes me sad.

Number of times left in the car while the Pit Crew got coffee and cocoa at an official race: One.

Level of bitterness about being left in the car while the Crewers got their coffee and cocoa: Pretty high at the time.

One thing I don't like when running: When Mommy reaches down to pat my head with the same hand holding an empty poo bag. That crinkly plastic sound scares the bejeebers outta me!

One thing I love about running: One thing? Everything! I especially like when I'm in the lead. It makes me feel awesome.

Running-related moment that makes me laugh but annoys Mommy: When I'm contrary about taking a picture. It's fun to mess with her. I also love stopping and sniffing something when she doesn't know it, and it the leash totally yanks her arm. Good times!

Favorite post-run activity: Napping. I like it all the time, but after a run, it's particularly rewarding!

Favorite running-related moment: The ear rubs and kisses I get when we're finished.

With that, here's to more of the same only better in 2013! Mommy will be back tomorrow. I'll be here on my couch!

"Ahh, the good life. It's probaby made better by all of that
exercise, but whatever."

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