Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not Applicable

Given this morning's weather, today's Rest Day was perfectly timed. I was awakened by a thunder storm from 3 - 5 a.m. (which made for one very nervous, in-need-of-extra-lovin' Elly), and the weather persisted through when I normally run. In fact, it lasted most of the day.

Notable is that I was in my car during the normal run time when I saw a woman running. In the pouring rain. And -- key issue for me -- the lightening. Now, I know many who would call me a wuss for choosing not to run in the rain. Shoot, on any given day, I'm pretty sure I can hand over a plethora of reasons to critique my running prowess. But, I know you know by now that I do not care.

I do care, however, when I see someone running in lightening. It's so remarkably unsafe that I simply can't wrap my head around it. Are the odds on the side of the runner in terms of being injured by lightening? Yeah, they probably are. But, those are dice I'm not rolling.

I was mulling over the site of the lightening dodger when I came across this quote from the 2006 Rocky Balboa movie:

It doesn't matter how this looks to other people.
If this is something you gotta do, then do it.
Fighters fight.

I like that quote. A lot.

But, in no way do I think it applies to running outside when there's lightening. Maybe that's just me.

I'll see you tomorrow. Because I wasn't struck by lightening today.

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