Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Kicks!

(I just asked Aaron if he wanted help taking down the Christmas lights outside all the while shaking my head "no." I rule.)

Okay, so we were driving along a road I often run this morning when we saw, what I believed to be, a couple running. The woman was behind all decked out in running gear while the man was about six feet in front of her running in blue jeans.

Any time I see someone running in blue jeans, I always want to know the story because there just has to be  one. Maybe he's giving running a whirl and not ready to invest in any kind of exercise clothes. Maybe he was pulled off the couch by his wife to join her in her New Year's pursuit. Or, maybe he's the one who did the pulling (careful there ... just sayin' ...) Perhaps he discovers this is something that resonates with him, and he's off to the store later to get new gear! Or, he later realizes that this was the worst idea and endeavor ever, and he's thankful to not have bought so much as an off-brand pair of sweats. Maybe the lady behind him is all kinds of hacked off because this was her idea in the first place, but she's lagging behind him while he cruises along in front of her in jeans. (I've been that lady, and Aaron has been that dude, swap "jeans" for "shorts." I wanted to kick him.)

Even though it is rare, this isn't the first time I've seen someone run in jeans, so I'm definitely curious when I do. I verbalized all of my scenarios to Aaron to which he replied, "He's running from the law."

Conversation over.

In the meantime, I'm very happy to report I found a new pair of shoes!!
Aren't they fabulous?!?! Yes, yes they are ...!
They were on a pretty deep sale that ends later this week, so I'll give them a week, and if they're as good as I think they'll be, I'm out to buy another pair for later this year. I suspect they'll be great, but I want to make sure. As I often tell our kids, I was born beautiful, not rich.

I'm pretty stoked to have found them, and they felt great while running around the store (yes, literally ... you gotta do what you gotta do ...), so this better not turn out to be a love-hate relationship with the new shoes. No one wants to hear about that (oh, but you will ...).

Elly was pretty excited when we came home and I told her I have new shoes for our run tomorrow. In truth, she was excited only because she thought my having a plastic bag in my hand (from the shoes) actually meant something. Something good. For her.

We're back at it tomorrow after what turned out to be a great week of rest! We'll see you after the first run of the new year!

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