Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All About Business

I have to say that even though many of the routes I use are the same, when the miles count toward training runs, they feel just a little different from when I'm out there "just running." I like having that goal to work toward. I also like when the goal is reached and I can bag the structure. Either way, I win!

Today's run was very focused because I had a day full of things to do immediately following. I wasn't even terribly bummed for my go-to drive-thru to lack change ... partly because I'd already found a penny earlier in the run but mostly because I really needed to keep on keepin' on. The short of today's story is that Elly and I went out, we came back, and we wrapped it up without much in terms of frills.

Oh, but I did find this at the end:
It's always fun to find a shiny treasure. This one is magnetic,
by the way. I have no idea why.
And, I noticed Elly had sweat on her head just like when I get it on my ear warmer!
... And, then I remembered dog's don't sweat. Apparently, that
was from my end-of-the-run hug. Also apparently, I'm that
disgusting that my face is all wet in 14-degree/5 wind chill
In case you haven't noticed, I seriously love this dog:
"You bet you love me, mommy. I'm the
best! I appreciate the glorious lighting on
me today, too. Totally makes up for all of
those times today you wouldn't let me
sniff at my leisure."
The final noteworthy of the day (because going out and getting it done no matter how it gets done is noteworthy every time!), I recently read in my Self magazine* the idea of putting pomegranate in oatmeal! This I had to try:
Holy Yum, that was delicious!! I look very forward to my
morning oatmeal conconctions, so I love this new addition!
*Having recently read this does not necessarily mean it was the most recent issue. I'm a mess like that.

So, today was pretty much all about business, but that works just as much as the messing around runs! Tomorrow's a quick one! We'll see you after!

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