Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Unexpected Sabotage

When the weather outside makes your dog look like this ...
"I do so love being wrapped up all cozy warm!"
... that's a pretty good indication that too much wet is coming down to run outside! The rain wasn't really that bad, but I'd already decided putting the miles in on the treadmill while watching some of the stuff backed up on the DVR was an excellent use of my time. I'm a good multi-tasker.

Elly, however, most certainly had other ideas for the morning ...
"I see you are putting on your shoes. And, I'm hopeful. I'll be
polite and just wait over here while I whack my tail on the
wall. But, wait ... I detect a great disturbance in the force. There
is something about this scene indicating I'm not taking you
running ... like, that you haven't yet told me we're going ...
you always tell me ... uh-ohhh ..."
"New strategy: Cute face with pleading
eyes. I used it in the pound, and I totally
won. I'm sure it'll work again."
"It isn't working. Wait! When I was in
the pound, I was standing and giving you
the look. I'll try that."
"I seem to have lost my touch. I'm not really sure how you tore
yourself away from me to go over to my couch, but I'll play
the game. See how I followed you? I'm here! Ready to go!"
"Aw, crap. The consolation ear rub. I'll take it while it's
happening, but then I'm going to need my space to pout."
And, while Elly resigned herself to another morning nap, I did, indeed, hit the treadmill. I had a lot from which to choose on the DVR, so I picked the latest The Biggest Loser. (For the record, Dolvett is my fave ... both compassionate and hard core. I love watching him work with people!) I usually fast forward through the workouts stopping only when I see a trainer and an individual chat because I'm not terribly interested in just watching people work out. But, since I was doing what they were doing, I thought I'd let it go while I was running and see if it made any difference in what I thought about those segments.

Frankly, watching them work out while I was was fabulous! It was very inspiring to get my sweat on while others were, too. I listened to the trainers (yes, all of them ... even Jillian who would not inspire me by screaming at me all the time) as though they were talking to me, and it was very energizing! In fact, during the back story segments, I found my own intensity take a dive while getting into the contestant's story. Then, when the workouts picked back up, so did my desire to run! Perhaps the shows I often choose on the treadmill are actually dragging me down. I truly think putting on a drama sabotages the energy level and mental focus I am actually trying to tap. How 'bout that?!

You'd think that correlation of high-intensity show and running on the treadmill would be obvious. (It's not like people pick soft rock songs for their running playlists!) But, when you use the tv as a distractor while on the treadmill, it feels counter-intuitive to watch someone else working out along with you. Who knew? I'm betting the people who actually use music while running knew. But, in my defense, I don't use it. Sooooo ... there. (Yup, that's my best defense!)

I'm not quite sure what to do with this newfound inspiration because I, thankfully, don't need it very often. And, when I do, it's not necessarily during a season of The Biggest Loser. But, it wasn't The Biggest Loser itself that seemed key. Rather, it was the tone and pace of the show. Hmm ... it's something to ponder because that was the best run I've ever had on a treadmill!

Take a minute to figure out what best inspires you or if there's a tweak here or there that can pump you up!! You might be surprised at what you discover!

It seems Elly found a way to get past her disappointment, by the way:
It's a super-short run tomorrow! LOVE those!! We'll see you after!

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