Monday, January 21, 2013

Scratching the Itch

Let me start by saying that the weather forecast for this morning was delivered by someone whose pants must be on fire. There simply wasn't enough wind outside to make it feel like the promised -2. I realize it's weird that I sound like I'm complaining. But, given the number of days I've trudged through over-the-top heat and humidity only to wrap up such runs feeling completely depleted and questioning why I'm such a wuss (which does nothing for the ol' ego), I'd like to take on the very weather that leaves me feeling invigorated. Just. Sayin'.

I did discover potentially my biggest problem with running in the cold, though:
Reaching that itch on my back wasn't the
issue ... getting to it through four layers
was today's new, unforeseen problem!
While I was all set to stay warm and safe in the cold, I was still presented with a problem to address. You see, there are many things with which I've concerned myself these past years with regard to running: hydration; right vs. upset-the-system pre-run foods; what if I have to go to the bathroom; obsessing about buying new shoes, etc. But, not even once have I ever considered alleviating an itch.

The itch was in the middle of my back which is not an issue in and of itself because I can reach every part of my back ... never mind the fact that it was one of those that hits hard and drives you crazy until it's gone. The problem was figuring out how to get to it through the layers. (Kind of like when you have an itch on your foot, but your shoe is on ... made worse when you're driving.) There was reaching and pinching and, the end-game, finally satisfying the itch factor without missing a step or tripping over anything including the dog. It took two attempts, but, yet again, perseverance paid off. I even managed to do so without dropping Elly's bread bags which is actually rather noteworthy given I dropped a bag on two separate runs this past week without realizing it when all I was doing was running ... No itching, no messing around, no taking pictures. Nothing. And, gone. Whoopsie.

Who knew today's victory would not be about completing the run in the frigid temps or even about officially starting Half Marathon training back up but, instead, be an ode to scratching an itch? Sometimes, the world makes no sense.

This duo makes all kinds of sense, though:
Elly is reflecting on her running
greatness. She's so proud.
With the sweat and frost behind us, it's off to enjoy the rest of the day and look forward to tomorrow's day to chill!! We'll see you on Rest Day!

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