Tuesday, March 6, 2012


A theme throughout my running adventures has been Patience. To work up to a particular distance, to even get to the finish line no matter the distance, to build up endurance, to heal sore or otherwise irritated muscles -- it all requires patience.

(Here's where patience is not going to pay off no matter how long it's exercised:)
This adventure has also required Perseverance. I don't think about this element as much as I used to, but it was driven home today when I was having a discussion with Pit Crew #3. We were talking about a new endeavor of his and the many ways to look at his involvement. For instance, his forthcoming participation could be narrowly defined as "this is the only way this will be good," therefore acceptable and successful in only a tunnel-visioned and specific way. Or, the route he presented to me is that he has a preferred plan of involvement, a great back-up plan, and even an alternative plan to the back-up plan (he is his mother's son), all of which wind up in the same place ... a mission accomplished in a way where he is happy in the journey and proud of the accomplishment. THAT is a plan of perserverance!

During the conversation, we had the following exchange (no question about who's who ... If there is a question, you might need a nap -- and a nap goes along with today's Rest Day theme, so go for it):

"Think about how many races I've entered. How many have I won?"
"None." (with a little giggle ... we all embrace my not-coming-in-first status!)
"And, how many times have I crossed the finish line anyway?"
"All of them."
"And, it feels awesome every time."
"Because you're awesome, Mom."

While that last statement made me feel like a Rock Star, I bring it up for a whole different reason: He said it because sees what it means to me to cross the finish line. He gets that it's about what's important to me, not about what anyone else is doing. He gets the value in that, and he cheers it every step of the way. The kid inherently gets it. And, frankly, he is learning really young how to use the power of perseverance!!

How I would have loved to have gotten it when I started running!! That's okay, though, I get it a lot better now! And, if I forget, I have a Pit Crew and fabulous supporters surrounding me to remind me! I will have the perseverance theme on my mind as I run tomorrow. In the meantime, Daphne should probably learn that there really are times that perseverance doesn't necessarily pay ...
"Ser-i-ous-ly!! I'm gonna get you!!!"

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