Monday, March 12, 2012

Conflicting Agendas

If I had to summarize the prevailing dialogue in my head during this morning's run, it would be this: "Seriously, Elly, just run forward!"

If I had to guess Elly's dominating internal dialogue, it would be this: "Mommy, your same route is so boring. This way! This way! C'mooooonnnn THIS way!!"

It's an intriguing experience to run with your dog when you have conflicting agendas. She's usually not that obstinate; I guess she was really getting in to the spirit of a Monday! (I've often been asked if I take Elly with me to races or if she joins me on my long runs ... the above falls under the "This Is Why I Don't" category!)

It was a good run made more interesting by the times I'd feel a tug or a yank by Elly to go some random direction. She never won the battles, but she gave it her all! What I think was actually happening was that she was trying to avoid getting wet -- there was plenty of water left over from yesterday's rain, and there was no real dry place for the pampered pooch's paws. Poor baby. From pavement to grass to gutters, it just didn't matter. Elly got her belly wet. Very wet. So, it was a huge relief to find this in the back of the car:
Hooray for gross-dog-towel in the back of the car!
I didn't think it was still in the car, so I was very thankful! Had it not been there, the option was to use the bottom of my shirt to dry her off. That would have been gross. (Oh, yes, I know it's gross first hand.) And, after a drying rub-down, we headed home:
"Step on it, mommy ... I have naps to take."
By the way, I got home only to discover that my running pants are past the point of threadbare (which I didn't even know they were!). They are falling apart. I mean shred-like! I think a new pair of pants calls ... I figure these pants have well beyond 700 miles of stories to tell, so I guess it's time! And, even though it's getting warm, mornings are still unpredictable, so I can't put off getting new ones. (Better pants than shoes!)

It's also time for a Rest Day; I'll be enjoying that tomorrow!

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