Thursday, September 1, 2011

Proper Preparation

I wasn't looking when I just reached into my laundry basket to throw things in the washer when I recoiled as though I'd put my hand on a snake. Nope, no snakes here. Just my gross, wet clothes from this morning's run. So, so gross. So gross that we're not going to spend any more time on that except to celebrate more miles down. (It does appear, though, that perhaps I should put some of those pennies I find toward a new basket ...)

Well, speaking of laundry, this is a good time to review the Nancy-necessary steps to properly prepare for Rest Day! Yes, indeed, actual thought goes into this because then I can fully embrace the spirit of the Day. If I am going to give it my all on the run, I think it's only appropriate to give my all to the rest!

A must-do on the Eve of Rest is to grocery shop if need be. Grocery shopping is often like a combination of Olympic sports especially if you're the dork who left her cart in line while sprinting back a couple of aisles to grab that forgotten item. Oh, that dork of the day was yours truly, but baby needed her baby carrots.
Whoopsie, missed a spot.
Another must-do on the Eve is mowing the lawn, again, if need be. We need beed, so I did it today. I've learned not to use Rest Day to mow. That's just crazy talk. I figure I'll pile it on one day and just get it overwith. ** To be completely honest, I have paid the price for mowing on Rest Day on the next day's run, so I no longer tinker with this one.

Now, on to the really important pieces of Rest Day around here! Make sure you are well stocked before settling in for the evening, and place items that need evening attention (like a fountain refill) in a place they are sure to be seen: 
Yes, that's a measuring cup that lives in
there. I love it, but I'm civilized.
Even the cat is ready. She has no idea
what she is ready for, but she has decided
she is going to be a part of it!

Poised and ready! Embrace whatever it is you are doing today with gusto! Or, at least treat yourself to the equivalent of my much-beloved Diet Cooooooooooookkkkkeeeee ...

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