Friday, September 9, 2011

Last-Minute Tid-Bits

I just got a call from my brother who announced he has been selected to do a double-digit-mile uphill mountain race at the end of February. I told him I would have appreciated knowing beforehand that he'd undergone a lobotomy.

Anyway, today was packet pick-up day, and I had to share the goods:

First, and very important, the shirt! I remember getting my very first run shirt; I was totally stoked! Anyway, here's the one for this race:
It's a good thing I can pull off wearing brown, or this would be a major disappointment. And, I still don't know what BCNB means, so I suspect I'll be pondering that along the route. I'll let you know what I come up with if I can remember. Feel free to chime in, but keep it clean, people!

Okay, more goods -- we get a free pass to the festival for the day (helpful if we're willing to buy more for the rest of the family to attend), and runners get a free beer (eww) and bbq after the race so long as we can hold on to this fancy wrist band:
I laughed out loud -- in the privacy of my own home -- when I pulled this out. I knew the wristband was coming, but I didn't know it would be a throwback to those we got after paying the cover charge at the bar in college. This is actually important, though, because the leader of the Pit Crew very much appreciated getting my free beers at last year's Half, and I don't plan to disappoint him this year. AND, bonus, it matches my cool hot pink shirt!! It was meant to be.

But, wait! There's more. I LOVED this:
After Aaron had a chance to root through the goods, the conversation went as follows:
Me: This looks disgusting.
Aaron: I thought it looked delicious.
Me: "Fruit and Nut Food Bar ... Peanut Butter Cookie" Reminds me of vomit.
Aaron: Still sounds yummy.

Needless to say, it's his. BUT that's not all. Take a look at the side:

I have nothing to add to that.

Finally, we have the all-important bib number. I was soooooo proud to have one of these at my first event!! Frankly, I have always found them cool. Clearly, they spared no expense on these, but whatever:
That's it for the goodies! Always an adventure and not at all why we do these things! (unless you're Aaron and are more than happy to partake in those things pushed aside ... everyone wins!)

Finally, in the spirit of the Puppy Pace, Pit Crew #2 did this to her nails:

I don't think I could ask for more support than I have!!

T-minus twelve hours 'til we hit it!! THANK YOU for all of the support!!!

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