Thursday, September 29, 2011

So Many Things To Say

I just got an email from a friend who said the following: "Missouri, you do so confound me!" That was referring to our really chilly temps at the beginning of the week, but it's going to be in the 80s today. Upper 80s. (Yuck!) It was obvious on the morning run that the weather's heating up, too, because I was a lot sweatier a lot faster. Oh, and a lot smellier when I finished. After this past summer, I am so done with all of that! Evidently, I don't get a vote on the weather ...

Okay, SO many good things today! First, you'll never believe it, but my "Good For You" lady didn't drive by and call out of her car window to me ... she called to me while walking out of her house to her car!! I actually passed her house! Do you know how many times I've run that street and had no idea she lived there? She was coming out with her coffee and purse clearly heading to work. A lovely, "Helloooooo!" caught my attention, and I turned to see her smiling face and sweet wave. After saying hello, I told her I've missed seeing her (as I've not for weeks because I changed up my routes), and she said the same. I wanted to stop and hug her but thought that might be a little too much excitement from a girl and her dog ... Maybe someday we'll start with a small chat with respectable distance between us.

Then, as I continued down that same road, check these out!
Mmm ... eye candy for Nancy ...
Check it out, they're the same color as my shoes. SO PRETTY!

Elly and I had a great shake-it-out run. It wasn't quite three miles, and I was so okay with that. Elly was, too, and there has been no puking. There were multiple, multiple potty stops (I think she just does it to take a break if you want to know the truth), and she was in her glory on the way home:

In other news, I have a HUGE SHOUT OUT to my cousin who I learned this morning is participating in his first Half Marathon in December!! WAHOOOOOO!!! He's 16 and a great athlete, and I'm so proud of him and had to share.

Totally random note: Last night, I was making big salads for dinner and heated up some turkey bacon to put in them. Don't these pieces look like fingers?
I'm trying something new (for us) in the kitchen tonight ... one of those healthy swap things. Details and the verdict all at one time tomorrow! Enjoy your Friday Eve!!!

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