Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mental Prep Work

I crossed the finish line last year and got
a prize ... sweeeeeet!
We're 5 days from the big event, friends, and, I have to admit, it's a bit of a tug-of-war in my brain in terms of thinking about that day vs. focusing on what I need to do today. That's just how this week works, and that's okay. So, while I'm thinking about it, let me share with you one of the outcomes of the run ... you get a prize!

When I signed up for last year's Half, I had absolutely no idea finishers received a medal. In all of the runs I do, there is often some kind of prize, but I'm nowhere near contention, so I'm happy to get my free sport drink, bottle of water and banana and call it good! But, I learned after doing a Half, you get a prize just for finishing! Score!

Now, I've never been a huge fan of "everyone gets a trophy" -- it's not something about which I'd throw a stink, but it's not something I embrace, either. However. Last October 3, right when I passed the 10-mile marker, I remember thinking to myself, "Heck YEAH, everyone who finishes this thing earned that medal!" A little bit of bling for a few hours of ouch ... adds up to me!

In my August 2011 edition of Runner's World magazine, Marc Parent wrote a column about running your first Half. In it, he wrote: "Thireen-point-one miles will not get any easier or any faster as the years pass. I want to be able to say to myself I've done it ... And you get a medal, too. Even if you cry, you still get the medal." Well said!

I'm not that great at predicting when I'm going to cry at something that seems predictable ... didn't do it at my wedding when it seems I would, but did do it when the pool closed yesterday for the season (and, no, I'm not kidding). There's just no predicting. So, tears or not on Saturday, mama's getting some bling! (And, the Pit Crew gets their pizza!) hee hee

Take a minute at least once this week, and reward your efforts! I can attest that an ice cold Diet Coke is a great everyday substitute for a medal!

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