Monday, September 5, 2011


Let's make one thing really clear up front: I saw and photographed this sign from my car. I most definitely did not pass it on my feet ...

It being a holiday, we were out and about getting a bagel and Diet Coke (yeah!!) after my morning run when we came upon mileage signs for the Heart of America marathon which has been held on Labor Day weekend here for 52 years (yeah, I looked that up ... until three years ago, the mere thought of running a mile would have given me the heebies to the point I wouldn't have retained the knowledge that this event happens at all much less where I live). By the time we happened upon the event, the participants we saw were four hours into it. Four hours. Wow.

After finishing our breakfast, we went home, got the camera and returned to the same place so I could get a picture because, frankly, I was that inspired. By the time we returned, the 22-mile marker (which we originally saw) was gone, and the traffic lights were no longer flashing. It seemed we'd missed the end until we drove the course and found the 23-mile marker! Success! The truck doing the end-of-the-race sweep was right behind us waiting to pick it up. There were about 5 runners just ahead of the truck. They'd been at this for 5 and a half hours at this point. Double Wow.

I pondered the thoughts of the very last runner -- the one right in front of the truck. I wondered if she was somewhat tempted to hop on and hitch a ride at that point, or if she felt big-time empowered --"This race doesn't end until I cross that line, pal!"

This was a super-inspiring event to stumble upon as my morning run consisted of: some internal whining for having to get up on a day off to run; bemoaning the fact that my sinuses feel like they're blowing up, and feeling super-annoyed because a song that I hate kept going through my head for the duration of the run, and it would not go away.

On top of which, I am acutely aware that this week is going to be a mental obstacle course as we're on the home stretch. Physically, it's all about maintenance. Mentally, it's just a different story at any given moment. My butterflies don't live in my stomach so much as in my head ...

But, that's all a part of it. And, I'm ready. The Half Marathon will take place with me or without me. I chose for it to take place with me. And, I also know that I'll get congratulatory kisses even if (when) I smell ...

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