Wednesday, August 12, 2015

You've Been There

So, I walked past the microwave and saw this:
But, I hadn't even yet been in the kitchen much less had cooked anything.

You know what that means.
Complete with temperature-testing finger indentations ...
Hey, Aaron: Remember that side dish I was heating up for you for last night's dinner? Found it!

We've all been there, done that, haven't we? Whoops. That was a bowl of that fantastic Fiesta Cauliflower recipe that I found in March or so. It's fantastic; that it is still around since March is an awesome indication of it's staying power! Anyway, I recently figured out to make the whole recipe on the stove top instead mixing it all on the stove top only to pour it into a baking dish to bake for 25 very hot, heating-up-the-house-with-the-oven minutes. No need for baking.

I'm a genius.

Anyway, it was a Rest Day today as it will be again tomorrow right before the Family Run on Friday!! I have some planning to do to get ready! I'll check in with the progress tomorrow ...


  1. Hard to believe that there was food missing from my dinner and I didn't notice.
