Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Rules

So, the day was way too busy to run, but it was not too busy to think about running. While that doesn't count for my mile goals, it does count for motivation!

I took a few minutes today to read this article because I just had to know if I fell into any of the law-breaking categories while out running. I wanted to know just what level of scofflaw I am. Here's the breakdown:
  1. Jaywalking: Yeah, I totally do that. Whoops.
  2. Tossing an empty Gu packet or water bottle in someone else's trash can or on the ground: On the ground? Um, no, not unless it's an official race where they staff the stations to pick up after we who don't have the mad skills to shoot our cups into the trash cans. And, I don't use Gu, so this one doesn't apply anyway, right? Wrong. This girl often has to carry her dog's poo. And, I totally use someone else's trash IF, and only if, I can put the poo bag into their trash through a loosely tied opening. I'm not going to dig around or otherwise disturb someone else's garbage. That just seems weird. And, gross. I'd rather carry my dog's poo.
  3. Public urination: You've got to be kidding me. Only Elly is this kind of culprit.
  4. Spitting: Well, I'm not exempt from this one BUT I do make every effort to hit grass or other area where people aren't going to walk. I don't always make it, but, more often than not, I do. Paaa-tooey!
  5. Running on the wrong side of the road: Okay, if I'm reading the article correctly, the last resort place to run is actually doing so against traffic (so, all the way over to the left). I do that religiously. I am absolutely guilty of ...
  6. Running in the road when sidewalks are available: I do that because that's where money lives. I don't think that'll help me out if I'm stopped by an officer, but I'd give it a shot. (Can't you hear it now ...) I only do thist when there's no traffic, though. Duh. While I am a fan of finding money, I'm a bigger fan of living.
  7. Running at night when under the age of 18: Not applicable on either factor, nighttime or age.
Oh, my, so many rules to live by! I actually have sometimes considered if what I'm doing would be stop-worthy by a police officer. I guess I can no plead ignorance (not that that would help me out). Strictly law-abiding or not, tomorrow's another run! If you're heading out, follow the rules or at least know what ones you're breaking! I'll see you after the morning run from the law!

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