Monday, August 24, 2015

Strong Start!

WHEW!! What a Monday!! I've been non-stop busy since getting up today, and I'm surprised pleased to report that it's been a really productive and happy day even though I didn't start it off with a run! I began to notice a pattern around here that my better days started with running; I was beginning to think I'd better start moving every morning to ensure better odds for a happy day! And, if I didn't do it, it crossed my mind that the fam might consider shoving my shoes on me and leaving me outside until I did go run ... hahahaha ...!

ANYWAY, I hope the start to your week has been equally good. So much of mine has been spent in front of the computer which is less than ideal but very necessary. Fortunately, I have a number of fun things that sit on the computer desk and stare at me that make me happy. This is the latest member of the gang:
It's Origami Yoda that Pit Crew #3 made about 4 or 5 years ago. He recently brought it to me in a massive room clean-out asking if I wanted it because, if I didn't, it was going in the trash.

Was he out of his mind considering throwing it in the trash?! At least he's wise enough to first ask ...!

Okay, aside from all of the dailies around here, I wanted to share the latest event I signed up for!
The entire (only $5.95!) registration fee goes directly to Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, an organization that trains and donates medical service dogs to many returning veterans who have PTSD and/or other disabilities. The virtual run is sponsored by Run the Edge (the same group sponsoring the 2,015 in 2015 Challenge Aaron, Elly and I are doing). The virtual challenge is both a run and a 30-day challenge of core work, September 1-30.

*gulp* Consistent core work. I'm both excited and not about this part of it. But, like I told Aaron, maybe this will be a good kick start to actually incorporating more cross training into my routine because leaving me up to my own devices just isn't going to make it happen! Who'swithmethere?!

So, I've signed up for the challenge, and I'll keep you posted! I don't really even know what to expect for the core stuff, so here's to a great mystery!

The groove of the day hasn't stopped, so I need to get back on the ride! Take care of what you need to make your week start off great, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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