Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy Surprises!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 682.3 (running: 508.1; walking: 29.4; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $54.15

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 682.3 Aaron: 416.6 (b: 372.9; w: 43.7)  Elly: 151.9 Total: 1250.8
I channeled my early-morning friends today and got out and about much earlier than usual! I wasn't out as early as some, but, for me, it was a whole new groove! I haven't been out running that early in at least a year ... I can't say I really liked it, but it was kind of nice to have it finished and behind me so as to have more of the day to look forward to! Ah, the perpetual give-and-take rhythm of the world!
It was almost 20 degrees cooler today than it was just yesterday, and that meant Elly could come along for the ride!! WAHOO!! She enjoyed every run and every rest:
"Resting is pretty fantastic, mommy, especially
when its purpose is to not get hit by the big,
scary cars ..."
 By the way, don't you love when a flower grows out of some random crack like is happening above?
The humidity and temperature drop made for a whole new run, and it felt great. It made me look very forward to running in the Fall, and it even showed me that better weather really is coming, so it just might be possible to stretch myself enough to hit that year-end goal. Um, we'll see, but it's nice to feel the possibility! Speaking of ... while I didn't add on the mile I considered running yesterday, I did up today's intended route with an additional one. It all ended up working out over these two days! I love when happy surprised happen!
Speaking of!
While on my route, I ran into one of my very favorite people ever:
That's my former boss and still friend! She's so cool that she didn't even care how much I might smell before giving me a hello hug! Fortunately for both of us, I'll restate the fact that today was almost 20 degrees cooler than it has been ... Anyway, she is one of the best life cheerleaders I know. Everyone needs one of her in your personal circle of friends!

While I was stoked for my happy surprise, Elly was suddenly all about being alert in her surroundings:
She'd just gotten some ear-rubbing and love from my friend, which is so lulling for a hound, so I knew there was something actually on her radar. I followed her gaze and cracked the code:
Oh, yes. Very, scary kitty. Ohhh, Elly ...
Soon after the kitty non-encounter (and passing through a whole host of dogs barking from inside houses, behind fences and from inside cars!), Elly and I finished our four, and we called it good.
"Good? Mommy, that was awesome!"
Tomorrow's a day to rest before heading back out Friday! Enjoy getting over the week's hump -- and make sure you have at least one cheerleader on your behalf -- and I'll be checking in!

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