Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Who Did What With the Who Now?

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 28 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 79.3 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 43 Money Found For Food Bank: $8.93

(A very special thank you to Aaron for the title ... he used to say this all the time when we were first dating and he wanted me to clarify something or even just find out what was going on. It always made me laugh.)

Twice this week, I've had really good talks with friends about the difference between who we are (our foundation) and what we do (the way we carry out the dailies). What came shining through both discussions is how easy it is to let what we do/the way we conduct ourselves overshadow and even alter our self perception about who we actually are ... what's critically important to us ... what we're really made of.

My overall thought on the matter (solution, if you will ... I do like to problem solve) is that if we can define our foundation and focus on it, our actions will fall into place. Keep and repeat the actions that work and contribute to the larger picture; reassess or even bag those that don't, but certainly do not beat yourself up for an unsuccessful moment.

Focus on the foundation is key.

The best part about really being in touch with what you're made of is that you can rely on yourself to determine how you're doing. The opinion of others -- good or bad -- really won't matter a whole lot. Feel free to let me know you think I rock ... but, I cannot rely on it nor should I look for it.

I've had this outlook for as long as I can remember, and I think I finally get why it took so long for me to call myself a runner. It really wasn't because I didn't feel worthy of being among all of the other billion people who could also move their feet forward across many miles. (I certainly had bouts of insecurities, but they were short lived in terms of worrying about what other people thought.) I think it took so long to call myself a runner because I took it literally as though it was part of my identity: I am a runner. Bleh. No ... running is what I do, but it's not who I am.

I've talked many times about having dug deep and drawing upon those foundational values that have carried me through all kinds of situations, especially through the challenging ones, to get through some of my runs. Not quitting, keeping going (is that a real phrase?), persevering, standing back up when having fallen down (boo!) ... all of those are things I do. They come out of who I am.

It just so happens that this activity often gives a sparkly trinket ...
Each of these trinkets holds a different story leading back to the same theme of what makes me up on the inside. That's why I'm proud of them. Oh, and I like them because they're pretty.

Know who you are, and the rest will fall into place ... trust that.

Of course, sometimes being in touch with this is super-annoying because the who I am really does hate the what the treadmill is for. I was thankful for it when I had three miles on the calendar, and it was -3 outside, though!!

I'll be yearning for the outside as I run on the 'mill tomorrow morning. But, that particular whine is what I do ... See you after the morning run!

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