Monday, February 10, 2014

Life Doesn't Really Care About That Rut In the Trail, In Case You Were Wondering

The world around here is working to get back on track after a dump of ice and snow and a whole lot of yes-we-have-school-no-we-don't-what-are-we-doing-today! On top of it being a day to sneak in the weights on this rest from running day, I spent most of the day doing deeds that are far from restful like cleaning ...
... and, finally getting a shovel to the deck so the poor dog can finally go outside from upstairs:
Thanks to our friend Ice Storm, we didn't even bother to try and
shovel when the snow dumped on it. A week later, we're getting
just enough of a break that the ice might melt ... provided the
snow is off of it. Isn't it funny how some things, like not removing
the snow, make total sense until they make no sense at all?
Between my leg and the muscle that injury has been pulling a wee bit in my back, this was not a banner day. Icy Hot to the rescue ... ahhhh ...

But, you know? It was all totally okay, too. Sometimes, things just need to get done. I do not believe in pushing myself to the point where I will foreseeably hurt myself, but I do believe in doing what you can when you can. I'm thankful for a healthy body that heals!! Well, eventually heals. That comes with the 40s territory!

I'd say I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning's run, but I'm really not. While many sidewalks and streets are shoveled or otherwise attended to, there's still a layer of snow that will refreeze tonight. So, the concrete I see this afternoon is a total tease and not ready for a morning run. Yet. So, I'll get on the treadmill and do my thing.

By the way, by the time I get to run outside consistently, April's Half is going to be on top of me! I barely feel like I'm in the training schedule because of how many miles are on the treadmill. Weird!

Have I mentioned I cannot wait to get back outside?!?!

Keep after what you're wanting to accomplish even if all of the pieces aren't in place ... they will come together! In the meantime, I'll see you after the morning tread ...

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