Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Letters

It's difficult to love something when expectations aren't fulfilled, amiright ? Ah, but that's when it's important to remember that it's fair to hope for an outcome, but it's hardly ever fair to expect it. Case in point:

Dear Running,

My expectations of you have been squished almost this entire calendar year. I've already fallen down, there's been a lot of snow and ice, I have a cold that is going to make you a challenge in the next couple of days, and I've seen more treadmill than I care to consider. I suppose none of that is actually your fault, though. And, even though I'm really kind of disappointed in our training thus far, I keep coming back. So, I suppose there's something to be said for you. My expectations are my problem, I suppose. With that being said, I admit I still love you.


Disgruntled Puppy Pacer

I'm not the only one whose expectations have been smashed this year so far. If Elly could write a letter, she'd address it to me for not fulfilling her running desires.
"It's not your fault, mommy. Besides, how
could I be upset with someone who keeps
me in such fabulous fashion?! Thank you
for my new bandana!! Slurrrrrp!"
We can't always control how things go, but we can control what we do with what we're handed! To that end, I'm flipping my long run tomorrow with Sunday's short one to give one more day of (hopeful) ice melting and one more day to push this cold to the wayside! I'll play whatever hand is dealt from there.

In the meantime, Happy Valentine's Day! Focus on everything you love, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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