Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ready To Be Warm!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 36 Nancy's 2013 Mileage: 110.8 Elly's 2013 Mileage: 56.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $11.99

I honestly do tend to like the cold. But, I've about had my fill. I'm sooooo ready for Spring ...
And, tomorrow is going to be even colder than today. Yikes!! That'll speed up the ol' morning run! Or, at least, I won't be tempted to turn the shortest run of the week into anything more than exactly what I'm scheduled to do so I can get out there, and get back in here!

How is it that I'm already up to the 8-mile long run week when I barely feel like I've embarked on the training schedule journey? Seriously, the weather is messin' with me. It's going to be the week of the Half Marathon, and we'll have just thawed, and I'll be all, "Um, nu-uh, it's not this week, I just started running outside without being all bundled up!" Just watch: It'll be one of those days that snaps from cold to hot, and we'll be walking through every aid station after Mile 6. That, however, will make for some fun, in-focus photos, though, amiright ?

I got a nice shot of Elly the Contrarian this morning on the fly. See?
That was before she spazzed about the big-truck traffic. Even better, she had a moment where she heard what she thought was a big truck coming up behind us, but it turned out to be a big engine in a smaller vehicle. She was poised and ready to run sideways until she couldn't figure out if she was supposed to be afraid or not. Oh, her wee little brain ...

We covered our miles and scored 52 cents for the Food Bank fund. You've not seen this very often:
Some of that money is clean and shiny!!
By the end of the run, the cold air had my nose running in a most disgusting way, and my eyes were all kinds of dried out. And cold. Cold eyeballs are weird.
"I'd lick 'em for you if you wanted me to
to warm them up, mommy. Nice hair, by
the way. Sluuurrrrpp! "
I think I just want the sun. And, some warmth. Not a LOT, but ease me into it!! I know I'm not alone waiting for that!! In the meantime, Elly and I will hit it again tomorrow -- quick out and in and done! Stay warm if you, too, are getting chilled to the bone, and we'll check in after the morning run!

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