Thursday, February 20, 2014

Shake It Up

I am not one to easily adopt the opinion of others at face value. In fact, I can't remember a time I gave that a whirl. My ears are always open, though, and I'm very interested in the opinions and perceptions of others. After all, what better way than to challenge my own beliefs to make sure I'm holding on to an opinion I actually still believe, or to discover that, perhaps, something big or small has changed in my life or in the circumstance, and it's time to take another look.

This applies for me for situations big and small, so it should be no surprise that when I started learning there were such opportunities as Color Runs and Glow Runs that I dialed in my listening skills as the controversy began! Controversy? Yeah, people will argue about anything, and this is no exception.

In case you don't know, a Color Run is where spectators have a supply of colored corn starch, and they launch it at the runners as they go by. So, when the runner is finished, they are, potentially, head to toe technicolored (there's even a website for the nationwide event full of pics: ).

A Glow Run is at night featuring black light zones, music on the course and an after party. Neither event is billed as a race but as a fun way to move.
And, therein lies the rub. No, no the stupid fish that's about to get eaten -- The basic controversy over these and other events is that they cheapen the race aspect of running. The "anyone can do it" push is offensive to many who race, and believe when I say I've read a lot of snarky comments about those who run but do not race.

To those who do not want to participate in non-race activities, I say: Then, don't register. For instance, I do not like having things thrown at me, therefore, as much as I dig a rainbow of color, I will not sign up for a Color Run. But, I do not begrudge those who do it. In fact, I'd love one in the area so I could sign up the kids and throw stuff at them. (awesome!) However, a run at night with black light zones and crazy music and something fun my entire family can do together that we've never done? Hell-to-the-yeah, Team Puppy Pace is comin'!!! That's right ! We are a named team for the upcoming event!

This opportunity hit my in box at the perfect time. With my Half Marathon schedule going but not yet motivating (many thanks, crappy weather ...), this was a great event to shake up what's currently kind of mundane! And, it'll be so much fun to do with the whole crew in between my April and May events ... super score!
I'll take the color but pass on the pelting ... Glow Run, here
we come instead!
I think the combination of recent life events and some unexpected Winter blahs was starting to get to me, so I'm thankful for this little shake up! I'll be thinking about it (a girl's gotta plan, you know) on my long run tomorrow! I have absolutely no idea where it will take place given the unsettled weather we're having. My fingers are crossed it'll be outside -- with no ice -- but, we'll see (and, it will be more fun than today's weights, but whatev), and I'll check in after!

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