So, today, we Expo recap! Why?
Because it's awesome!! It took until my
third Half to experience an Expo. I wasn't expecting it, and I didn't even know what it was before getting there.
You mean there's more to one of these than picking up your bib and your shirt? Yes, indeed, I was quite naive about the marketing surrounding such an activity. But, now I know, and I say:
Off we went as soon as we had a chance to get there! I always like to go as early as possible so I know I have what I actually need for the run, and I much prefer to explore the vendors before there's a huge crowd. Our timing satisfied both desires. I only waited behind one person to get my bib (which was funny because there were tons of line stations as pick-up was based on first letter of your last name, and there was
no one in
any of the other stations except the one I needed). And, with my bib, I had my ticket into the Expo! Actually, it's more like the ticket to get my race shirt, but whatev.
The placement of the Expo always makes me laugh. You have to go to get your bib, and there's no other way to obtain it. Then, you have to use your bib to get your shirt. Oh, and what a coincidence, but the shirts are strategically placed right next to the vendors!! It's like getting off a roller coaster and the ride's exit deposits you right in the middle of an arcade.
Very clever ... Whatever, bring it on!
Anyway, after getting my very fabulous hot pink shirt, it was time to explore! Free samples immediately caught the kids' eyes, so we headed over:
I dig the concept of naturally fruity water,
but it hardly ever works, you know? This
batch was good when we came back later
(that's right! Later! And, unlike right after
the Half when we were in high need, these
folks encouraged drinking as much as we
wanted. (No, I'm not going to let the water
rationing after the run go.) |
I can only remember the quinoa, black beans, corn and cilantro
in this dish ... it was sooooo yummy! |
I love scoping the shirts because so many of them either make me laugh out loud like this one ...
A sentiment I should have had in mind somewhere around
Mile 11 ... ! |
... or, they're just too true like this one ...
No. Doubt. Been there. But, I'd never buy this shirt because
then I'd have to fight with it. In those weaker moments of,
"Why am I doing this again?", I don't my shirt reminding me
that maybe I'm right ... |
I had a particular desire this time to check out the vendor selling the wicking hats and headbands. I went into the Expo thinking it was time to get a headband because I get so used to running with one in the winter (which went on much longer than usual this year!), then the warm weather hits, and my hair is all up in my biz. I knew this was the place to find something jazzy!
While I wasn't interested in the hats, some of them did make me laugh:
Amen, hat. Amen. |
I could have used this one in Mile 9 when Mr. Complainy Pants
ran up alongside me. |
Then, I saw the pile of wicking headbands, tried one on, talked to the vendor about what to expect and decided to roll the dice and get a couple! You saw
my Find Your Happy Pace one the other day; this is the other I bought:
I had to get one with paw prints on it! I mean, Duh. They didn't
have purple, so I got the one Aaron said made the paws stand
out the most. It's summery and excellent!! |
You also see the sparkly headband in my other hand ... that's the one I was testing out when you saw me doing this:
Look, I had to find out if it really didn't slip on my head. And,
it really doesn't! It needs to be worn in a certain place to keep
it in place, but that's cool because it's right where I need it. AND,
even better, it's not just sparkly silver, it's sparkly purple on
I actually intended to wear it for the run, but then I decided to follow the golden rule for race day:
Never, ever, ever wear something you've not before worn. Nothing. I've only broken that rule once, and while things were fine, I probably should have made a different decision. I decided to break in the new blingy band after the Half, and I did so on yesterday's run. See?
Oh, yes, I ran yesterday. I have things to
figure out, you know! Besides, Elly was
super-stoked to go out with me, and I was
all about following her pace through and
through! |
Oh, and while at the hair accessories, we found one perfect for Aaron if he (a) ran, and (b) had hair-in-his-face issues:
Ha! Fabulous! Right after Mile 8, someone in the crowd was
yelling, "You can eat whatever you want when you finish!" and
a woman in front of me started yelling, "Barbecue Chicken
Pizza!" She yelled out all sorts of pizzas, but that's the only
one I can remember. I think she needed this headband! |
There was a group of women looking for
matching headbands, so Aaron spent
quite a while helping them. I often tell him
"You're a good man, Charlie Brown." |
I also love scoping the stickers and magnets. This was my fave this time:
Just picture it. It's pretty funny. |
We also played trivia games and even did a spin-for-a-prize from Minute Rice:
I really wanted to win their microwaveable brown rice samples.
I didn't. None of us did. But the person in front of us and the
person behind us both did. What are the odds?! |
At another trivia booth (where we won things like water bottles that we gave back upon winning in the outward spirit of, "Oh, thank you, but we have more than we can use" internally translated as, "Holy crap,
not one more water bottle comes in my house !"), I spied these two gems while I waited my turn:
Marathoners ... 5Kers ... this applies to everyone, just sayin'. |
Given my affinity for my new shoes, I loved seeing this! |
Once we exhausted the Expo, we went out to catch the shuttle, and you'll never believe who we got as our driver! Does someone look familiar?!?! No, not me ...
I'm not even lying ... check out last year's pic!
What are the odds of that?! Evidently, they're better than
winning microwaveable Minute Rice. |
You'll note I was so comfortable being reunited this year that I just hopped up to the front and plopped down right next to her! How totally cool was that?!?! (Totally!!) And, never fear, she was very happy to see us. We didn't scare her.
I totally get that the Expo is for selling stuff and totally for capturing you at the height of an emotional high you're on, but I look at it as a form of celebration of the hard work and sweat equity that went into getting to that point -- there's fun to be had and a little bit of spoiling to be done! For me, that's what the Expo is for!
I will continue to enjoy my new hair goods and already look forward to giving the wicking ones a whirl! That might take a few days as the weather is about to turn again with rain tomorrow and a drop in temps for the rest of the week. But, like this time's Half training required, I'll roll with what comes and do what needs to be done. Though, this time, I'll be accessorized!
Thanks for joining me on the shopping spree! Tomorrow's a running day (where I'll further explain why it's not yet a Rest Week), so I'll see you after!
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