The forecast for this morning was for rain. It turns out, the forecast was wrong to the delight of many ... to the man who would have but now didn't need to set up the treadmill, to the big, baby runner who refuses to run in the rain, and to the pooch who looks forward to every, single morning run. She kept coming to our room to check on me once she knew I was awake. She was making sure the running clothes were going on. Then, she was at my feet once I emerged from our room. She wasn't taking any chances of being left behind.
"Ohh, mooooommmmmyyyyy ... I have
a great ideaaaaaa !!" |
"I'm going to act all nonchalant, but, if
you needed to know, the running place
is right there just on the other side of
this window ... Follow me!" |
Just an aside: For all of her determination to make sure she's included, you'd think she'd settle down for me to put on her leash instead of engaging in the extraordinary amount of tomfoolery she performs before finally putting her waggy butt to the ground so I can hook her up. Just sayin'.
Finally out the door, we were on our way. I was actually very thankful for the opportunity to run outside. Just me and Elly. Dare I say, as it should be.
And, things felt good. Very Nancy-Elly normal. We saw the cool stuff that kept me going when I first started running:
Remember how awesome it was to find
these as a kid? PC#2 just had that
experience in our yard a few days ago,
too!! Funny how random onion weeds
can be so delightful! |
We saw the friendly groundskeeper who is just as happy to see us as we are to see him. You know how people are 'regulars' at restaurants? This path-crossing is exactly that. I love when that happens.
Normalcy continued as we scored the cash:
The bottom one has major stories to tell because it's actually
warped! I'll add that to my damaged goods pile and put one
the Food Bank can actually use in the bank! |
We waited at lights. We came upon sidewalks that were closed. We avoided puddles. Or, we didn't because we didn't see them coming (that gets in the way of looking for money, you know). My mind focused and it wandered, it just depended on the moment.
And, of course, Elly didn't just overstep a paw on her leash as she often does. Today, she went for broke:
Don't even ask because I have no idea ... |
We logged our miles. Elly got her "great job" hugs, and she gave me her "I totally love you" eyes and wags.
It was a very good run, indeed!
Running's on the schedule for tomorrow, but so is the rain, so I'm playing it by ear. Friday's forecast is clear, so I'm pushing the run off 'til then if necessary!
Nancy likes the outside!!! I'll check in tomorrow with the report ... it's going to be good any way you slice it! See you then!
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