Saturday, April 13, 2013

So Far, So Good!

What's super cool about dialing the miles on a weekend back down is that I don't have to get up as early to finish them. WAHOO! This kid likes that!

It was a great morning for a run! I'm not saying I was jumping out of bed anticipating its greatness, but it was neither icy/snowy nor 100-degree hot. And, even though all 35-degree mornings (like today's) aren't created equal (sweating profusely by the end of Mile 1, anyone?), I wasn't complaining!

Today's was the first long run to figure out how things are clicking toward another Half next month. So far, so good. In fact, right before the third mile, I thought it's highly possible that the question isn't going to be whether or not I can run it, it's just as likely that I'm going to have to figure out if I want to do so. Even though things still hang out there unresolved, I do like that the physical-mental ratio is even this year vs. last year when it was very clear very early that the second Half was a no-can-do proposition! Being smarter about training might just pay off!

Oh, and you know how you hear about people who put x-amount of time into exercise which means that time was taken away from something else (like sleeping in or hanging out watching tv or leaving a party early so as to get up early the next morning or whatever)? You know, the exercise opportunity cost (yeah, take that, econ professor!) This morning, I added my own sentiment to that list: Because I went out to run, I missed garage saling. Yeah, you laugh, but that was a trade-off in my world!

You can guess I routed myself to end at the bagel place. (FABulous planning, I might add!) I ran into an acquaintance who, in mid-sentence, stopped and said, "Oh, have you been out running?"
With hair and sweat like that, I sincerely
hope so ...
At least her question was based on appearance ... not a nasal appraisal ...

Things went along swimmingly today, and for that I'm pleased. I found two pennies and a BB, too, so I can't complain. A very unexpected incident did happen, though, and I'll share that tomorrow. You won't even see it coming. No pain nor injury involved for anyone; that much I will say. It's worthy of its own focus, though, so I'll spotlight it tomorrow. For crying out loud.

Until then, enjoy your Saturday! I'm here to rest and tell tales tomorrow!

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